Kiambu County - Tarmacking of Thogoto-Ndaire-Dagoretti Road in Kikuyu Sub County

Ongoing today tarmacking of Thogoto - Ndaire - Dagoretti road in Kikuyu Sub County. The 2.6KM road will help boost the economy of the area as it serves Dagoretti market, Thogoto mission Hospital, Thogoto Polytechnic, proposed Thogoto Level 4 hospital and join the Northern by pass among others.
[ATTACH=full]157084[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157085[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157086[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157087[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157088[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157089[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157090[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157091[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157093[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157094[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]157095[/ATTACH]

When you post also post a screenshot of google maps. Infact post for this i need to see

Curious that there are no pedestrian paths. Locals must be forced to walk on the road endangering their lives

I don’t know why sidewalks are seen as unnecessary by the govt. They are one of the most important aspects of roads that I love


Side walks in the city of Nairobi are not only an eye-sorebut also dangerous.
The dilapidated pavements, sidewalks are a massive contradiction of the breathtaking skyline.
The county government needs to force owners of the buildings in the city to contribute in maintaining these pavements.

Where paved shoulders exist Matatus use them as an extension of the road, for overtaking and stopping.
However, it may be due to cost factors; Pedestrian paved shoulders save lives and preserves the road. We don’t also don’t see lot of road markings.


Benefits of Paved Shoulders

Paved shoulders provide numerous safety benefits for motorists and pedestrians. Installing or widening paved shoulders has the following benefits:

[li]Provides a stable surface off of the roadway for pedestrians to use[/li][li]Reduces numerous crash types including the following:[/li][LIST]
[li]Head on crashes (15%–75% reported reduction)[/li][li]Sideswipe crashes (15%–41%)[/li][li]Fixed object crashes (29%–49%)[/li][li]Pedestrian (walking along roadway) crashes (71%)[/li][/ul]
[li]Improves roadway drainage[/li][li]Increases effective turning radii at intersections[/li][li]Reduces shoulder maintenance requirements[/li][li]Provides emergency stopping space for broken-down vehicles[/li][li]Provides space for maintenance operations[/li][li]Provides space for variable message signs[/li][li]Provides an increased level of comfort for cyclists[/li][/LIST]
