Kiambaa residents beg for sewer and water from govt

Hapo ruaka wanasema wameteseka sana coz of lack of sewer and piped water. Wacha wakule ujinga yao. Let sukoiman put sewerlines and water pipes for them.

Reasonable for the government to expedite this request as a means to gain their vote in 13 months from now

Upuss!!! …all kenyans should get proper government services free from any prejudice ,hii kanu era thinking Wacha .

Are you saying they are full of sh1t? (Pun fully intended)

For 10 years they didn’t have it… Why worry now?

You are full of Moi era shit. All Kenyans are entitled to infrastructural development regardless of their political affiliation

Don’t they pay tax? Hii Mali sii ya mum?


Inauma lakini itabidi uzoee