Huyu Boy child Kwisha …!!
Very important lesson to all businessmen. Clients money is not your money! Wacha kijana aende jela. Akiachiliwa atajipata river yala
Umeongea kama watu kumi.
Omwami was very good in marketing. He can sell salt to a snail. His operation management skills were very poor. Alijiona mister know it all. Wacha akule ujeuri yake
Si tuache wivu mguyz. Unless alikuosha personally, the least we can do is keep our mouths shut. Bibilia imesema
Nani ako na number ya mkamba yake nsongeshe mileage?
Methinks msee anafaa kuingia billionaire status akiwa kitu 40 years na kuendelea time akili imekomaa. Earlier than that Kuna vile billions have a way of destroying someone. Huyu kijana atatoa wapi billions arudishie wenyewe? That is if wenye ameosha wasipo mtomba matako.
Utafika bei kweli? Saa hii iko big baller anasongesha mileage
Utafika bei kweli? Saa hii probably iko big baller anasongesha mileage
Bei ishashuka kaka, juu nadhani ako sehemu fulani ukambani anajaribu kwa njuvu kutoa ball ya kairo.
Ako na trust Fund somewhere in Cayman islands.
Zii ako na lakeside dude fulani if the interwebs are to be believed. But unaweza jaribu kama uko na hela
Story za jaba hizo.
The poor boy can’t even pay Bail Money …
And he has no tangible Assets that can be seized.
Where are Cera and Wavinya …???
People that have money stashed in the Caymans do not go around advertising it on social media. It takes Panama Papers to ID/expose them.
Astronomical levels of copium.