KFC personal revelation

I know it seems quite weird but I’ve never been there… just see shit on movies…fries, buggers…am not new to town either…who has been or not been there… if you have what was the experience like… what sets it apart from restaurants… what would you recommend I try and how much is it…


Where can I get 48 inch Samsung tv at a competitive price?

It’s not even a restaurant bro … it’s freaking fast-food.You just walk in grab ur Kentucky fried chicken n that’s it. Nothin’ much about it.

I am not your bro ghaseer

I asked what sets it apart from restaurants

Nugu bloody burukenge … pambana na hali yako aisee.

Nothing.Ur better off going to kibandaski for a healthier meal.

I just had mutura for the first time leo, that shit was fire.

Colonel Sanders 11 herb secret recipe…hasn’t been cracked just like coca colas

Kfc wanatuma scouts kuona nini kinaeza kuwa upgraded? Nice move

Arrogance. Don’t shout here, go discover yourself

useless American Kibandaski. Never eaten theit junk. I noticed the they import their chicken.

I will try it soon.

Bunch of arrogant people especially twats in black and blue shirts, they treat the rest of staff as bottom of the barrel trash

“Buggers” ni nini?

Nothing to write home. Just over priced chicken which you can make at home (if you have time to look for the recipe on Youtube).

Basically you go in, if its over the weekend in a mall utapata queue ya kids between 1-18 yr old with their parents and a lot of Waria (the very brown ones that almost look like arabs). So wewe na PhD zako you queue, ukifika kwa counter you select the order you want. Usually kuna TV screens with Menus, pamphlets, notice boards all with menus and ‘special offer’. Anyway you choose and you pay.

After paying you either go back and sit down as your order is prepared or you go to a second queue and wait to reach infront of the queue where your order will be served to you.

You will notice that there is an element of ‘class’ in that all those queueing around you wanakaa ni high echelons of the society. Most likely hawatakutambua with your PhDs. Ni watu wanajiona sukari more than you, thats why they buy 6 chicken legs (they call them drumsticks) for 1200/-

Now go and tell us your experience

The chicken is not cooked in the same way as Western KFCs. The chicken is too hard, needs to be left to hang for 3 days before the meat is tender and I don’t think they are using a high pressure cooker as well. Really wack but the fries are ok.

I liked Altonna