Kenyattas are taking over


They took over kitambo sana. Sasa ni kuunda a cult of personality to ensure Jomo II is the sixth.

Why would maggie agree to a mental hospital being named after her ?

Sasa watu chizi wataitwa maggie case ?

Ata afadhali pumwani baby factory ndio inge nameiwa maggie.

Maggie amefanya kazi buana .

They can call it butter beer for all I care, services?

These greedy vermins will one day, and very soon, be exterminated and thrown into the deepest and forgettable pit in history.

:D:D:D:D:D…I see what the general did , “mudness ya kuibah Mali ya ummah”

Kenyan directory is one huge disaster- from roads to institutions. One day kitaeleweka

One day will come… this bustards watajua

Welcome to 2021 if you think mental hospital ni ya machizi pekee, kuna other issues kama depression na kuprove sanity in court cases
You might be required to visit Mathare in order to get a cert. like DCI for Cert.of good conduct

The revolution wont be televised

The way she is shy Im sure she cant wait to get it over with

Mama Lucy hospital


Imagine sitaki kukujua na simind…stupid symbiote of ramapithecus and zinjathropus…ati mpaka unajiita God…katombwe na shetani:D

Nakuru Maternity wing is called…take a guess…
Margaret Kenyatta

Maggie is one hot female…she desevers more.

Maliza ua

It shall be fixed