So now owning a business is ‘dictorial’? How ‘dick-clitorial’ can one get?
imagine umama doesn’t look good on you…
Owning a business aint dictorial but using your business might and political connections to hold a country ar ransom is. To add on to the list. One family controls legislature, executive and has threatened the judiciary.
With respect to the above statement explain how our state has democratic space?
Mzee mnasty namna gani ?
Kaikai is headed to Royal Media to take over as COO,position formerly held by Karoney.
Hawa wazee wawili @Gashwiri and @Field cock sucker wanasumbua hapa! They should just form Mau Mau Uhuru’s dick suckers association na watulie! Washenzi!
My old man was ‘fired’ that politely.
3.5M wasn’t bad cz he hadn’t reached his prime, but 18 years of service na inaenda hivo tu cz of ‘restructuring’??
Ilimuuma but he invested wisely.
Sadly one of his former tormentors (boss) died in abject poverty.