Kenyatalk cannot stand without the sex and relationship forum because most K-talkers are just random porn addicted teens Who are unmarried and therefore have alot of sexual fantasies.
Why are you so bitter about an anonymous forum? Who molested you when you were young? Btw thats one of the most traffic generator. Bila Sex n relationship kijiji inaanguka. I stumbled on this village while searching about Sabina Joy. Nikajipata nimeland kwa hiyo section ya sex n rlshp. From then nikakuwa addict wa kijiji. Napenda kuona wajamaa wakipigana ma sweeps huku.
Your handle tells us more about you ,you are as sex addicted as the rest of us ghaseer
read that post again.
did i say that iam not a sex addict? I said K-talkers so I myself included.
Iam not bitter i just posted my observation
you have a homosexual handle thus you are gayyyyy and in the wrong forum
Kwani unalazimishwa kuwa hapa?
Haha I like how you people are enthralled by the word ‘gäy’ and ‘gaysim’ you have been using it almost in every post!
you must be very intelligent for seeing a connection between my name in an anonymous site and my real life sexual orientation. you are a genius!
Unajiita makendeya nguruwe @Pig benis
apana silazimishwi,nmeadika my observation with no any negativity to all depends with your interpretation of the post
Enda post religion ama sex and relationships wrong forum.
Shut the fuck up nv ghaseer ,you are annoying
…pia mimi nilikuwa nasaka something related to prostituion and SJ…[kuna beste alikuwa ameleta diskashen about the place] ku google kiasi nkajipata kijiji, nkapatana na hekaya swafi kuruka ya @Jirani na momo fulani huko kilimani, nkasoma nkacheka mbaya, nkaona wacha nipitie pages kiasi. Sijawahi ona ya firauni…nilicheka nkakumbuka upuss ya kole na high school. How i miss the upuss…KUMBE this island is habitable!!! hivo tu nkawa mwana kijiji…hehe. Sijawahi banduka even my wife and kids know about this island called ktalk. Sex and relationship section ndio spinal cord ya hii kijiji. Nina mabeste virtual where we can laugh for hours…but siwezi mind kupatana na maghaseer in our old age :D:D
Mimi pia. I had been to SJ before but i wanted to see kama iko kwa media. Ndio nikajipata huku. Manze i had to read hizo hekaya zote from page one. Most entertaining shiet i have ever read. The creativity ilikuwa kali. Seems like i missed when the village was hottest enzi za kina kidinyi, uwesmake, kush, sparta and the other legends. I introduced my buddies to the village. They love it. Sisi huchambua characters huku kwanza wakipigana sweeps. Live long ktalk
…ktalk is the place to be, huwa nkiboeka kejani naulizwa kwani leo huingi ktalk…
Your kids???kwani how old are they?? wooow!! I would not want my kids to find me here. I actually marvel at 60 y/os who thrive here. Wako na nguvu.