Kenya's political gridlock ; Raila and Uhuru; African vs African; whence cometh?

The binds in Kenya’s political system are nurtured by the masses themselves, much more so than the intransigence of either one of the political belligerents. Neither is the malaise restricted to merely Kenya, but rather a vast majority of Sub-Saharan societies are infected. Points of view are dichotomous, they are binary, as much as they are mutually exclusive, whatever the case may, pitting any potential victor or victors, juxtaposed against any corresponding villain or villains, whenever the noun “Politics” is invoked.
Emotions are the promulgators.
Within the populace, the limbic sytem is the “Executive” branch that inheres, populates, and modulates their respective tabula rasa facilities insofar as everything political, whereas, the much maligned “pre-frontal cortex”, is consigned to vestigial clerical duties.
The Europeans roamed across the blacks’ domiciles, and they were instantly overcome by lust and impunity for the gargantuan proportions of booty to be had; indeed; loot, pillage, and rape they did, as they sought to rule with an iron fist to enlighten the black savages, even as the blacks were milked dry.
Not mistakenly, the quintessentially submissive Christianity was expertly used to anesthetize and dominate the masses, if to enlighten them on the “real light”, to redeem them and their ancestry from “moribund” barbaric belief systems, with promises that they would eternally rejoice in the afterlife, and that the then extant nether land of misery and usurpation was but a bump on the road, even as they determinedly straggle in their quest for an emphatic victory march; and in collective slumber, they subscribed in droves then, as they still do to this day!
Of much lesser numbers than the local savages, notwithstanding their superior weaponry, they needed to divide and conquer, and they set out to pit black against black, and this to most efficiently usurp the black homo sapien and his environs in absoluteness, and absolutely they so did.
Upon the realization of the oppressed victims the world over, of the scope of the pervasive oppression, and the emphatic fallibility of the European powers, following their near destruction upon the cessation of World War 2 hostilities, the black man demanded and fervently agitated for, and indeed got the much sought freedom, but not before the incisive malaise was right about irreversibly “phenotyped” into the mental fabric of the hapless minions; a machiavelian brand of nepotism and tribalism sans xenophobia was cultivated; after all, neither one nor few, but a healthy proportion of African societies are to be found bound in neo-colonial constructs that guarantee their perpetual developing country status; “commonWEALTH- a non sequitur” of nations, the UN, not to mention entanglement in the collective noose of such parasitic bodies as the World Bank and the IMF vis a vis those meant to be helped; largely Sub Saharan African societies…
Wholesale enlightenment of the masses through the use of the alternate media, coupled simultaneous wide ranging shunning of the mainstream variants, and perhaps a revisiting of their belief systems to determine which ones really are the barbaric ones, could not possibly in a jiffy be construed as demeritorious!

Gridlock gani unaona hii kenya??? Ama ni media walikuambia???

In short what are you trying to say? You’re being obscure and verbose.

Hakuna gridlock. Hiyo yote ni panganga ya media that has made RAT larger than life…Mara sijui enigma, mara baba. Baba ya nani? Hiyo uenigma take sijawahi ona, just naive luo nation that he preys on.

Am in total agreement with you. The African man needs an awakening. We are our worst enemy. We plunder and steal resources meant to improve our community then beg the west for Aid while we earnestly seek visas to escape this malaise we comfortably breed. we knowingly get in to unfair trade with china coz few people got their kickback and indebt a whole population to their 3rd generation. Christians take it as their sacred duty to hear no evil, see no evil as leaders are chosen by God even the rapists and murderers. The effect of what the white man did to us will take another century to wipe out. we are our worst enemy

Sasa hapa gridlock iko wapi???

Kama huoni? temebeza kiatu. intellectuals at play.
