Your plate of ugali and rolls of chapati will change their colour and nutrition if the Agriculture ministry pushes a proposal that compels millers to blend flour with other nutritious crops.
Millers will be required to blend maize flour with millet, sorghum and cassava. Wheat flour will also be blended with cassava.
Agriculture Principal Secretary (PS) for Crops and Policy Intervention Richard Lesiyampe said the ministry will push the draft policy to stop over-reliance on maize.
Kenya produces an estimated 40 million 90kg bags of maize annually and consumes roughly 30 million bags for the same period. The policy aims at reducing the consumption of maize grains in the country by more than 20 million bags annually.
“If we cut the number of bags consumed, we will have enough even for export,” said Dr Lesiyampe.
Can a government force you to consume something you don’t want to? I don’t know what law the government will use to force Millers add cassava flour to maize flour. The Millers are private businesses and customers are buying the flour at market prices and nothing is subsidised. Lawyers huku care to ongeza maoni on this?
I’m not knocking the idea because it might even produce tastier Ugali if that’s even possible, I’m just curious on the legality of it.