are the Kenyan music/musicians, comedians, actors/actresses a reflection of the Kenyan society or way of life?
Kenyans do things very fast, we claim to be intelligent but many have surface intelligence, we love to have fun, we get angry or interested in something then forget about it very fast, we like taking shortcuts in everything,
we claim to hate pekejeng, manyake, and many other Kenyans songs but isn’t that what we do or love in the dark?
we want our musicians to sing love songs but do we have love in us?
we hate our comedians, movie or series scriptwriters, and the actors but isn’t their content the same as our conversations?
we say men are stingy, women are shallow but arent we all stingy and shallow?
for those who have traveled outside Kenya, is the music, comedy, movies a reflection of who they are as a country?
is Tanzanian or Southafrican or Nigerian or Congo music a reflection of their society or am I missing the plot?