Kenya's First Coronavirus Death

Who else, like me, fears that Kenya’s first coronavirus death will not be from the virus itself, but from police brutality while enforcing the coronavirus curfew?

Uko nyuma kama…

…mcoondo ya nyoka

No, of course I read about that fella who was coronavirus positive, but then died from diabetes complications. So it is the diabetes complications that killed him, but he just happened to be covid-19 positive, and so it was counted as a ‘coronavirus death’.
What I am talking about is kenya’s first death caused by coronavirus itself: as in, someone who was totally health, then died as a result of coronavirus – or as a result of the police brutality while enforcing the coronavirus curfew.

Kwani siku hizi umeanza kuwa shoga? Haukuwanga hivyo zamani…

Eeh,nauaga nyoka mcoondooni. Poonder

Makagary ya umbwa.

Corona is just a creation of the media. What is killing white people in Europe and America is a chemical weapon that is being manufactured in China and smuggled into those countries targeting the white race for extermination because Chinese want to dominate the world.

Wueh! let’s hope not, because living in a chinese-dominated world would be a complete nightmare…

Let me help @Kicharo to concur with you…

Exactly. Whites are domineering although humane but Chinese and Arabs are totally evil.


It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it makes a great deal of sense.
So chinese creates a bio-weapon.
Then he first gets a small percentage of his population infected (so that in future, when you raise any issues, he will always tell you that the virus first killed our people. We can’t have created a weapon against ourselves, can we?)
Then he exports it to the US and Europe where it turns into a complete mess…

So your theory revolves around China destroying or destabilizing the economies of its biggest trading entities ( US and the EU)? Genius.

If this is true then the Chinese have finally become devils like wazungus who have used biological warfare for more than 300 years. The first time in recorded history was 1763. These devils thanked their hosts by giving them blankets with small pox germs because they knew native Americans were not immunised. Then there is the infamous Tuskegee syphillis experiments conducted on African Americans.
It’s sad if the Chinese have joined this.

Be the judge



Hollywood could greatly benefit from your services… AND YOU’D SMILE ALL THE WAY TO EQWITY…

How come it’s not killing everyone. How come some people only have mild symptoms. Or none?