This is Kenya’s workers money from NSSF, if wondering if it was paid back? your guess is as good as mine.
Those are two very bizarre signatures
Jeso Kristo! Hizi ndio pesa Mutula alikuwa anatumia kuishi like a rajah.
Hehe hizo ndio walikua wanaenda na Kina Gachoka SA kuponda mali Fridays na Kurudi sunday. Life
Hapo ndio unajua una “short money”. :D:D:D
Siku moja nilienda kwa Okemo’s house mpaka unajishuku whether you live in a house or a box in comparison. :D:D:D
Looks like a fake document for various reasons.
- A bank( or company) will probably not issue 1 check for 1 Billion. They would have done so in several checks. In the 90s, I remember school fees of 10K being written in 2 checks ( each of 5K). So talk about 1 Billion.
But besides that, yeah, that money was probably stolen. In fact one year NSSF was short ksh 3B in an accounting cycle.
Its actually 100 million. The caption is inaccurate
Alafu akauliwa na nunu
I thought it was food poisoning?
Ka ni food mayb the mean he was eating it like groceries
Povu ikimtoka mdomoni :oops:
one hundreds millions
ati povu
Oh yes. He was foaming at the mouth according to reports
100mill 1995,
1.8 million US $
I at times look at the sons of corrupt men trying hard to look as if they are with wanjiku nashangaa sana
His son nearly died of food just the other day…what is up with Kilonzo’s and food
I can only see 100 million in that check.
The signatures too look funny
Boss…there is a certain Dec holiday wkd we holidayed with okemo and family at the invite of his in law from bunyore…na watoto walikua wametoka majuu… jamaa ana pesa! Hio inequality still disturbs me.
- The cheque says 100,000,000/= not 1b. Back in the day there were no as many restrictions, checks and balances in the banking system as they were then… And even now, with all these checks and balances, how does one Ngirita walk away with sack-fulls of money!??
- Ulikuwa unaaandikiwa cheques mbili coz maybe your father had two different accounts - or maybe there were charges on charges based on amount (remember back then banks had crazy bureaucracies)… usitake kutuambia ati sasa ulikua ukienda FMD kununua tinga tinga ulikua unaenda na cheques kama 40 kwa bahasha!!