Kenya's coronavirus cases actually seem to be going down!

Look here: previously, you were conducting like 300 tests per day, and getting like 20 patients per day.
Now you are conducting like 3,000 tests per day, and getting like 130 patients per day.
Doesn’t that mean the prevalence is going down?
Why are you so determined to keep this charade running for as long as it possibly can?
The problem was of course in that nobody had the intelligence to do a random serologic survey first, to establish how widespread the virus was, before the charade started. Instead, we assumed that the brian and brenda cases were indeed the first and then started counting from there! without considering that there may have been other patients who got in undetected and started other clusters elsewhere. Now when you increase the number of tests, the number of positive cases goes up. What you need to be looking at are the percentages,does coronavirus induce stupidity?
Don’t we have people in government who can ask the ‘experts’ the hard questions?
