Kwenda! How can you compare Kenya with Lebanon? Nyinyi watu ni kama mnakuanga na fetish ya doom and gloom.
Chief Pharmacist. Umekasirika mpaka kisuungu imekupiga sweep:D
From economics point of view do you know how much money circulates in the country daily? We have enough options to carry on with our lives,
Don’t look at yourself, consider the whole country,
You sound unschooled, a bitter pessimist, and know what, nobody cares,
Do you know that 80% of Kenya’s revenue was used to pay Kenya’s debt in the last quarter? Ndio maana mshahara za mps, ambassadors na hao govt employees wengine zilichelewa.
Do you know that before Ghana and Sri Lanka were unable to meet their debt obligations, they used 70% of their revenue to pay debts?
There is less money circulating in the economy right now than 2 years ago. Why do think Ruto is desperate to sign the Finance bill in the middle of a recession? Because he’s seen the signs and he knows Kenya is about to default on a foreign loan.
But the finance bill won’t solve the problem. KRA will still collect less taxes even if they increase taxes.
Sometimes I fell like we live in a fuxking nightmare. Kuna watu naskia walilia machozi ati mbuzi za Uhuru zimeibiwa. That scenario reminds me of the so called default crisis. Watu wanasumbuliwa na kitu haitawahi kusaidia
If we default it means we will have 80% extra cash
Boss, ni kama unasoma akili yangu…