Kenyans in majuu

We appreciate you for representing the “drinking nation” out there, but don’t FUCKIN DRINK AND DRIVE!!! [ATTACH=full]168753[/ATTACH]


12 months bila license ole wake. Looks like Australia

Attempted suicide

Fala kumanina zake anatuaibisha huyo. One of these days hii story ya “immigrants” itawaka moto kutakuwa na uproar mbaya sana ikianzia europe kuishia US.

Big waste. Hata hiyo inakaa c class.

DUI si mchezo.

Bad thing is she will wake up in the morning in a holding cell with a hangover not knowing exactly what transpired.

Njohii tìì ucuru !

Huyu ni jinga…most Kenyans I have met abroad hawaguzi gari after ulevi

You have forgot that diplomats do worse in Kenya and go scot free.

US diplomat flees Kenya after fatal accident

US diplomat flees Kenya after fatal accident | Humanitarian Crises News | Al Jazeera

Hawa ni wale mafala utoka ocha mucatha straight hadi majuu. Gerrarahia meeehn!

Variance in reporting,I guess we have all identified her as Kenyan coz of the bangle on her hand.What would Kenya media do

The price to pay is too steep. On the highways, expressways, interstates haukuwa na signs, “DUI. You can’t afford it”.

Didn’t know these wrist watches we wear can be identifying markers like this. But it’s good.

In foreign country, displaying a flag of another country is simply identifying yourself as a foreigner

Sugar coat by inserting ukabila na sasa duni.

Must be Melbourne. Ole wake.

Watu kaa hao wakiwa hapa utawaskia wakiongea na twengz halaf. majuu ndio wanajifanya wakenya wazalendo…

Dandenong ama Footscray?

South Sudanese yoot husumbua huko joh.

Tabia zingine, very sad.
If you are past 25 and still drink stupidly ,you have a really big problem .
Has anyone noticed how neat then place looks?
No kiosks , enough road reserves, wide road. When shall Kenya ever get to such standards?