Kenyan women these Chimpanzees will finish you leave them alone

Kenyan men are mentally unstable, they’re broke, they are frustrated. They supress their emotions and then blow up one day and kill you. First of all don’t date a man who has less money than you. He’s going to hate you and try to get money from you because it makes him feel worse about his masculinity if women have more money than them yet society lies to men that they are special more than women from childhood. In the real world that’s not the case. Women cope better with that reality because nobody is lying to them that they are going to get better treatment or preference based on their gender. Women are taught to fit in.

Anyway I am just tired of seeing a good woman give a man money to improve his chances of making it in a man’s world then he cheats on her,beats on her, bullies her for more loans and eventually kills her out of rage that a woman is his ticket to life after being taught that women are inferior to him.

Ladies if you don’t find men of your class just avoid men altogether. Men hate women who are out of their league. Men hate women who remind them that they are doing poorly in a man’s world than women who are supposed to be inferior. A man may even marry you when you are helping him climb the ladder because zeta males like black :gorilla: men are hypergamous but he’ll hate you because you remind him how a woman helped him .

Ladies I’m tired of typing RIP. You help a man by taking loans for him thinking that you are investing in your future family but you either get dumped or killed. If you have money or if you’re going to take loans to help a man be of your class, just stay single. Being single is better than being used and abused and being dead. Just focus on your life. Money. Your loved ones. Get that junguu sperm if you want biological kids if you are scared of pregnancy, you can adopt. Single women can adopt unlike single men. Single men can’t get a surrogate mother like you can. You have options. Don’t be killed bcz you are forcing yourself into a relationship with someone who is unworthy of you. Just accept your situation and you will summount it. Kwani you are the first woman to be single in life. Go to therapy. Pray. Accept. Find other sources of happiness. It’s been done before. You will have peace and happiness when you accept yourself and say no to toxicity in the name of men and marriages. You don’t need sex and opposite sex company like men do. These monkeys ain’t shit. Accept and move on. You will find peace when you accept it the same way people accept misfortunes in their lives and find new normal. Men are misfortunes you can avoid. Grieve the fact that men are not the prince charming women were brainwashed from childhood to believe with those fairy tale stories. Talk to married women and understand that they are being abused,mistreated and used , their only joy is their kids. Others even have money and property snatched by their husbands. When they fall I’ll the man leaves. Better or worse is only for women,men don’t do worse. They move on to find another woman to use.

Unreadable. Use ChatGPT to organise your spiel. Use the time saved to get laid. Thank me later.


Lots of Gibberish and racist remarks . Good luck to that , women are never logically inclined. Ref waves play on Silverbacks :sweat_smile:

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