Men are malnourished while women are overwhelmingly overweight?
Men are malnourished while women are overwhelmingly overweight?
Lete effidence kaka braza
Na wa Danganyika je?
Obesity is becoming a problem in some African countries due to modernization and people abandoning their traditional roles/ways.
Lately Kenyan women are dying before their husbands, have you noticed? When I was growing up that never used to happen. I never met either of my grandfathers and I know plenty of children who grew up without their fathers because they were died
Yes, they are fat, very fat.
Seriously dude? Are you fvckin serious?
come again? roles?
Yes. Like in the past when some could walk from villages to markets five or more kilometers away now they can use boda boda and some even have cars. That’s just one example.
Young working men are not eating well.
The Ministry of Health says it has noticed an increase in the number of men who are married and those who are bachelors being undernourished, despite them being employed.
These men are not starved but chose to eat one meal a day.
This is the opposite when compared to young working women who are classified as obese.
Adeudeu umeibiwa hekaya Twitter
:eek: :rolleyes: ktalk is full of plagiarist wankers.
A wife cooking nduma and ucuru wa gukia from mwere, for her hubby
Most of them nowadays wanachongewa viazi, wakatiwe sukuma, nyama etc for those who can cook. Hao wengine form ni indomie, pizza na other junk foods…
Who copied who ?
Absolutely true
Itabidi gazeti brathe.
Nduma is okay, but do you have an idea of how strenuous making traditional uji is? :D:D:D and with this equality nonsense, i have to go to work too and be an equal partner…what time will I “kia”?