Kenyan Prison Food

Welcome to Nairobi’s industrial area remand prison. The time is 4pm. It’s supper time here. They had breako at 5am, lunj at 11am and now supper 4pm.


Meet Boniventure L. (We will not use his full names for security measures). He is in jail for beating up a prostitute in a down town bar brawl.

We ask him how supper will be like. Aaah leo tunakulako cabbage boiled na sembe. Wengi usema ni chakula mbaya lakini mimi kama mluhya siwezi tharau chakula. Boniventure L proceeds to pick his meal.

Mboga 1st then sembeste.

Boniventure L then proceeds to a corner and munches his food like a rabbies infected dog mapipani. Looking around if anyone will attack him. We just look at him in pity.

Once meal is finished Boniventure L says chakula cha leo tamu, oya warden iko round two please.

Usikuwe mjinga unajua huku akuna round two says one warden. Another warden a Mr. Wafula says kuja Boniventure and adds him a meal. Other prisoners leave the dining hall as Bonny munches away.

We leave too but after placing a hidden camera. After Boniventure was thru with the meal. Warden Wafula just looked at him. What we saw later shocked us.


Wafula without uttering a word pinned Boniventure L on the floor and started kamuaring him. We could hear him say tamu sana Boniventure Lichoti as the poor prisoner screamed in pain.

Our cameras later showed us @uwesmake running to his cells with the speed of a cheetah and falling prison shorts never to be seen ever again.

The story started well @chokoshte but how comes uko na picha ya @Douchebag akikamuliwa?[ATTACH=full]395414[/ATTACH]

:D:D:D:D:D Malisa Lichoti kabisa.

After additional investigeshens our good DCI people were looking for Lichoti and this was how the stupid bukusu was nabbed taking selfies


Our team went undercover and we found the man whore Lichoti is accused of brawling with




(Maliza hiyo Swara)

Panyaste na hizi hekaya zako

Ngai! [ATTACH=full]395526[/ATTACH]

Industrial bi group of schools in terms of prison. In other places, you get one meal at 11AM na ingine 5PM. Breakfast ni nyanyako. In others like manyani there’s only one meal, especially kukiwa na famine kama saa hii. Chakula ya wafungwa hupelekwa deserving starving communities. Jowie would have come out looking like a scarecrow with Tuberculosis and ass gonorrhea kama hangepata hiyo bail.

This is definitely hell on earth.
Yani wasee wanakula chakula kama hio?

Panyaste unapenda story za usenge Sana meaning wewe ni gay