Kenyan bitches and fake classes

I didn’t know where you live in Nairobi makes all the difference when it comes to fucking bitches, esp ladies you meet online.
Tell a lady who lives in the concrete shanties of zimmerman, Umoja, and fucked up estates in eastlands that you live in Kinoo, Muthiga, 87 , Ruaka , Kiambu town environs and see how she will start looking down upon you…
Mind you the quality of life in these places is better than 90% of Eastlands estates.

Many bitches in Kenya are chasing fake illusions of success… so men look for money , or pretend you have so much…you will fuck all of them while they are tight…

What do you mean by quality of life or am I missing something? Those areas you’ve mentioned target people with almost similar incomes.

this fvckin biyatch doesn’t know we know good things

Fresh clean environment, tap water available, not congested, relatively secure. Less traffic nightmares, orderly.

Even in a crowd of midgets there is the tallest among them.

Lied to someone I’m from Gachie… Maybe she has never been there or my accent was strange cuz she fell for it… Na vile Gachie imejaa mathegi

Vile @Ice_Cube amesema hapo juu, it is like comparing who is the tallest among two or three dwarfs.

Unajua wengine watu huona Nairobi kwa weather forecast tu? Sasa, for our benefit, 87 ni wapi? :confused:

hata mimi nimekaa Nairobi for 5 years sasa na sijui 87 ni wapi

BTW I’ve been to Ruaka and the apartments I saw there cannot be compared or be any close to Umoja or Zimmerman. So is Kiambu, Tembea Thindigua my friend and tell me if its close to anywhere in Eastlands

ha ha ha its some estate along Waiyaki way after Uthiru

huko mimi hupita nikiwa ndani ya Mbukinya, nikitoka or kuingia nairobi

87 ni hukoo kinoo (pun unintended)

You find a girl who grew up in rural areas mud house cooking with firewood.First pair of shoes she wore is high school she has lived in poverty all her life her parents are very poor.She comes to nairobi stays one year working earning about 30k.She sets high standards on the man she wants to date like he must have a car,must earn at least 100k,she wants her kids to go to international schools etc.All this yet all her relatives dont own a car they live in shanties

Exactly, in fact you find some very genuine ladies living in the leafy suburbs, grew up in riches. i think ushamba ndio inasumbue some bitches

Weave kunuka [SIZE=6]≠[/SIZE] to good life.

I cannot date a woman from poverty related background. They tend to overcompensate for what they missed in life. This leads to them ripping off men, all the while setting ludicrous standards that even their blood brothers do not meet.

Especially kama ni first or second born kwao na kuna wengine kama saba nyuma yake. Unakua ATM kimpango.

reminds me when my former employer got me a place pale mt view estate…they were six short months lakini Kunguru walikiona…yet I was just a hustler

:D:D:D:D. They thought you own the place.