It just hit me that the choice next year will be between a river lake nilote and a highland nilote and that means we will be ferked a good one for the next 10 years given these people’s short-termism .
A bantu rotational presidency is what this country needs givent that we are over 80 % of the population
Bantu, Cushite, Nilote, I don’t care. I would vote for a cat if it can do the job.
Moi was a Saint compared to Lootal. Ojinga naye ana wafuasi wanjinga sana. We are fvcked
You’re a fool from the mountain.
When your resources are being stolen you suffer the same way as a nilote. There is no identity in suffering.
hehe ati it just hit you? , the next elections wll be luo/kalenjin affair but the fact is oligarchs will continue to dine and loot together regardless of their tribe.
A President is a motivational speaker of sorts, he fuels the proletariat sense of hope and in turn they produce for the ruling class while the middle class manage said production.
Intelligence & enforcement maintain the status quo, it’s a game of thrones…funny how daily nation used this as a headline after we parroted that line over and over in here.
Prepare for more violence and a rise in police brutality.
People will miss the days when bantu’s were the majority in Government.
Honestly wish Matiang’i would run.
I would give him my vote any day.
The man gets things done.
Instead of running away from here si you run for president, Mr. Supremacy? Are you not a Bantu?
Not a fan of politics but I hope the Mt.Kenya mafia keep their Nilotic candidates in check.
They’re playing with fire this time.
but Jayden is expanding his own empire using your taxes while you struggle like everyone else. i think the real fear is Bantus like you terrified that they will loose some imaginary “tribe power” that they never had.
It’s peace that I’m worried about - not “tribe power” as you call it ( Matiang’i isn’t even kikuyu).
Truth is ,Without bantus ,Kenya would have been a war zone.
We would have been like S.Sudan or Somalia.
Ukweli isemwe.
Vote for President Mwangi wa Iria.
Okuyu pieces of shiets teremsheni trousers na mtafute lube mzuri at least ipunguze friction. After screwing this country for close six decades, it is time for a payback.
After Uhuru, the next Kikuyu president will be in 2063. That one I can assure you!!
the good thing with nilotes is they hate each other more than any other group would care to hate. kalenjins have the worst opinion of luo.
Anyway, the country remains dominated by bantus primarily because they are industrious and show inclination to long term planning.
I was surprised when after being voted for by about 80 percent of kenyans, baba quickly got greedy and accepted to be “prime minister”, a move which cast his status in stone. he allowed himself to take a position that gave him much less even though he had worked twice as hard as the other side and earned as much votes. I remember musing seeing the fool was grinning ear to ear at his swearing in. kidogo kidogo akagundua amerushwa inje akaanza zile za “nusu mikeka”. sasa ndiye huyu na bbi akajipeana kwa konyagi who conned him bigtime.
How the fucking Nilotic bandits ended up being on the ballot exclusively is a matter of global concern. Nilotes are masters of violence and plunder.
Mukhisa Kituyi, mbele iko sawa
Who wired us to think purely from point of difference and division- if not white this black that it’s nilote that bantu this. Iko shida mahali
Ujinga na ukumbafu
Mefi thread