Kenya vs Climate Change

So today I came across an article on Citizen titled:

National Parks & Reserves To Bar Fuel-Powered Vehicles In Climate Change Pledge

(Yani kwa ufupi, hakuna kuingia national park in Kenya unless you are driving an electric car. )

Within the article, I saw the following quote from our good CS Najib Balala:

“Kenya like most developing countries, faces the most severe threats arising from change in climatic conditions and weather patterns caused by carbon emissions globally. It is imperative that as we demand for more action against emissions as well as resources to mitigate the threats to our economy and livelihoods of our people, we must likewise play our part in reducing our own footprint in any way possible,”

Feeling guilty I decided to do some research to see just how much exactly as a country we are contributing to this global climate change menace:

Kenya’s contribution to global Co2 emission is 0.05%. China is 29%, USA 14%. The top 10 polluters combined account for 67% of all Co2 emissions on planet earth.

Looking at those figures it is quite clear the Kenya government is looking for excuses to punish people. Even if we “played our part” and stopped using cars in Kenya and started cooking with solar, we’d reduce only 0.05%. in the grand scheme of things does this really matter when USA and China alone are producing 43% of all the Co2 in this earth?

What kind of world do you want to leave behind for your offspring?

Ni kunukisha kitunguu elder. Utaskia kuna chapaa imetolewa na yunared stayes to combat climate change.

…juzi nilisoma ati .africa will be given billions of dollars in loans to combat climate change… when i tell you negroes to wake up msidhani ni mchezo…

…if you have hizo details , enlighten us… @sani @T.Vercetti @patco @forestmonkey @Ndindu

It doesn’t matter what I want, all the power is with China and USA. They are the ones who will determine which direction climate change will go. We can only influence the 0.05% of our emissions which is irrelevant to be honest.

Of course it’s about money.


Yaani people who has 80yrs maximum on earth are worried about it yet it has been existing for billions of years?

Earth doesn’t need a mans help to conserve it. It has ways to do that. If it feels kuna imbalance mahali, an earthquake, asteroid, volcano, drought or tsunami will take care of business.

If you wanna know how ruthless mother nature is, find out what happened to the dinosaurs. Earth ikifeel tumekuwa wengi sana and our waste product imekuwa mob, it can clear like 2 billion humans in an instant.

Sisi watu ya bibilia hapana tambua dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs probably thought the same.

The best Kenya can do and should do in terms of climate change is plant trees and avoid polluting rivers.

Otherwise hii ingine ni upuzi.

I agree kabisa hii mambo ya fuel emissions wasituletee. Countries like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia generate all their electricity from burning fossil fuels. Kuambia mkenya apambane na climate change ni kama kuambia mtoto ajenge sky scraper.

Very true but caring about our impact on earth is actually making sure that conditions remain conducive for humanity to survive.

Earth doesn’t care whether humans or biological life exists.