Obviously what RAO said was taken out of context. How I wish that it had not but this “religious country” is not yet ready for that conversation.
The White man came with the Bible when the African had the land. Shortly after the African had the Bible while the White man had the land. We all know the story.
The Bible is a not-so-well written story with 1,001 inconsistencies and a myriad more loose ends. Only God knows why he smote that Luo guy Onan for refusing to mwaga inside. Only He knows why instead of killing Satan he instead decided to kill his son. Only He knows why he needs money yet he owns everything.
The Christian faith has particularly led to a nation of a brainwashed population. When you see idiots believing that they can pray and somehow become wealthy without doing anything, without invention, innovation, investment then just know that the nation is a failed one or heading there. The most prosperous nations in the world also happen to be the least religious (with some outliers).
For you to be successfully religious you need to follow your religion dogmatically. If you try to bring your brain into religion then you will find yourself questioning a lot. This lack of philosophy in religion is the kasumba that is eating our nation. Instead of investing in value addition and in food self-sufficiency and in healthcare and quality education, we are being encouraged to pray for the country to get over its rough patches. Unfortunately the rough patches are not patches anymore but have become the norm. Meanwhile, the women are fasting and keshaing and praying for an end to suffering. That is the solution. Not a popular uprising, not a radical change in the political space, not investing in things that matter. Prayer is the silver bullet. Let’s call a spade a spade and not a big spoon. Religion is one of the worst inventions of man and if Kenya could move towards secularism we’d be able to be more practical in life and more prosperous as a result.
[SIZE=2][COLOR=rgb(243, 121, 52)]Meanwhile let’s fuck in the name of religion and let’s fuck in the name of secularism. As long as they are 18+ years, girls need to be dicked. Operation #NoVirginLeftBehind and #NoPussyLeftBehind over. Back to you in studio. [/SIZE]
If you are going to buy an electronic along Luthuli Avenue, you will likely be advised to buy from a Waria shop because they are honest. Why? In terms of morality, Islam has done well to inculcate good behaviors. It is even very hard to find their women on the streets prostituting because they have a duty to observe morality.
Christianity is against sin but few Christians have strong moral codes compared to Muslims. That guy called john or Peter hapo Luthuli will con you without blinking.
Is there a way Kenyans can improve their morality without depending on religion?
Can we change the application of Christianity so that we become doers of the word?
The writers of the constitution in their wisdom separated state and religion but did not separate society from religion. Ndio maana you have a Christian first name or an Arab first name or an African name. This identifies you to a certain religion.Also you will Christianity or Islam is a culture within a culture, that is , you are Muslim and a Luo or Christian and a Masai. That is why you will find a staunch Masai Christian who leads the Christian life but still practices Masai culture such as rites of passage, and a Luo Muslim man who follows the Islamic moral code mpaka his finances. What I am saying is , it’s wise to separate state and religion but separation of society and religion is impossible. Religion plays an important role in society.
Religion is exploitation at its finest. Every christian TV station has a paybill nag screen where you’re obliged to dish out your hard earned money in the name of tithing because some novel says that your sky daddy asks of it.
Faith is the foundation of successful people and societies. The US was built by believing founding fathers
In every US classrooms there were the 10 commandments, although walizingoa some years back.
God (the creator) is cited repeatedly in the constitution.
Faith remains the foundation, but how we build is entirely up to us
But I agree, religion has been used to mislead many, those who do not bother to study the truth for themselves… they just wake up on Sunday to go get blessed by the “man of God”, hao ndio huumia juu ya lack of knowledge
Just because someone mentions God followed by some words of advice doesn’t make them right.
hata shetani alitaja the One when misleading Eve.
A lie kenyans peddle is that Kenya is a christian nation. Very far from the truth. As a test, would the early church and their leaders as documented in the bible elect the thugs you have elected as your leaders?
I like you conveniently used N. Korea and USSR as an example, while ignoring South Korea, Singapore, Sweden and almost every other first world country.
Man inspite of internal wrangles is drawn to be superstitious and seeks that which is elusive to him, in reality he is but a thought within a thought within a thought going through the monotony of existence over and over again!
I wouldn’t wish away religion inspite of both Islam and Christianity being conduits for mass kidnapping and slavery!
I wouldn’t wish away religion in spite of half witted clergy robbing those seeking the heavens and dissociating themselves with hell.
I wouldn’t wish away religion inspite of an increasingly liberal world who lie to the people chaos is appropriate yet use it as a ladder.
The bible is a creation of extremely clever men who sought to create an allegory to explain to the tractable layman the layers within the mind, don’t you get it yet?
Here’s a clue, of what point is the 33 books of the new testament?
Blaré nũgũ. Say: “A little knowledge or little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism (secularism), but depth in philosophy/knowledge bringeth men’s minds about to true religion (secularity).”
Francis Bacon
Proverbs 9.10b
Knowledge of the Holy One [Adonai] is understanding.