What is the Great Awakening?
It is a very high level of consciousness of exactly what is happening Right Here, Right Now. It is a revelation of great truth when everyone, all at once, notices exactly what is happening and decides to act on it.
Although the term Great Awakening was coined in America between the 18th and 20th Centuries, it is not merely an American movement but a worldwide one that is rising out of humanity.
The “Great Awakening” starts out as rebellion against the corrupt system and leads to the False Light and Destruction, very soon.
The day is fast approaching when the current globalist World Order shall be Trumped by the New “Awakened” World Order of the False Light.
This current world establishment will fall apart only for the Trump’s New Order (the beast kingdom) to rise from its ashes.
Jesus gave us a heads-up in Matthew 24:24 about a deception that is going to deceive even the elect, if it were possible.
All this talk going around about the IMF/NWO tyranny doesn’t qualify as the kind of deception that could fool the truly faithful. The reason why so many people will be deceived in the last days, is because the beast system is going to look like a good movement that restores justice; where the masses rise up and destroy the corrupt financial and political systems.
It will be so lovely to most undiscerning people because they will think that they’re aligned with God, battling against the evil, tyrannical satanic kingdom of the globalist NWO.
What is happening in Kenya, MAGA world and even Europe with the rise in far-right nationalism is the people are performing a dress-rehearsal, uncovering the harlot NWO, Babylon, the very adversary that the beast (Trump) is destined to destroy as told in Revelation 17:16.
It’s the beast and his kings that will be going to war with Babylon, a satanic kingdom that reigns over the kings of the earth.
This alliance out of humanity aims to invade and ultimately destroy Babylon, all the while cloaked in the misleading belief and spiritual delusion that God’s kingdom has arrived to vanquish the evil, satanic empire.
And that’s exactly why after the harlot Babylon system is taken down, they’ll start declaring “peace and safety” (1 Thessalonians 5:3) before sudden destruction.
They’ll be under the impression that Satan’s empire has been toppled and that the Millennium (1,000 Years of peace) is about to kick off.
But that’s when they’re going to be hit with a harsh reality check as Christ makes His entrance, coming in the clouds to crash their party.
This is precisely why I’m so passionate about urging Christians to tread carefully with how deeply they engage in this culture war against the globalists. Trump will not save you or the world. While most Christians think the leftist NWO will dominate the world and become the beast system, it’s actually the opposite thing happening!
That’s exactly why the delusion will become so overpowering.
Once Trump’s beast kingdom begins engaging in battle against the globalists, it is at this point that the saints will be grouped together with that demonic system and branded as Beelzebub, just as Christ warned in Matthew chapter 10.
This escalation in the beast’s war will ultimately lead to the destruction of a demonic city, Jerusalem, because people will scapegoat the Jews as being the chief architects of the NWO.
Hopefully, this offers a clearer understanding to those trying to understand all of this if it wasn’t apparent before.
Millions have embraced Donald Trump the Masonic Antichrist and his False Light.
If you are one of them, time is short to turn away from this Great Deception.