Kenya ranked second-worst place in the world to invest

Where do we go wrong?… #farmerstv

Uchumi yetu itacollapse before miaka kumi iishe, mpende msipende

Is there a swimming pool at Statehouse Nairobi?

Once the uchumi collapses, peasants can go swimming there and sleep on the president’s bed like they did in the Sri Lanka.

Mimi naomba somehow Martha aingie serikali. Hawa wengine bure kabisa. She’s the only one who will demand answers from institutions. And it is only such that will rescue us.

Puppet haiwezi question puppeteer siku ata moja, wacheni kujidanganya.

I don’t understand this, maybe someone can explain- Why do we have big tech companies (Google PDC, Microsoft ADC etc) opening offices in the capital? Is it because we have the talent but the environment is not conducive for investment in brick & mortar (manufacturing, hospitality etc)?

You can’t be this naive. What did she do during kibaki’s reign? Si aliresign as justice minister. She may have integrity, but no real power or influence to effect that kind of change, she’s just a figure head for rao’s optics.

Ruto is the only government official in Kenya’s history who has questioned the President, the Inspector General of Police and the Director General, NIS.
Martha Karua will eat 100 guts of a leopard, and she won’t be as bold as the thief of Sugoi.