Talkers forget sportpesa kenya public likes dot com is here! I have noticed pale kazini the growing interest on this website apparently ( what i could gather from them) is that you are simply paid ksh 10 for wait for it …just clicking like! Unverified reports from a pal claims that on a good week he withdraws ksh 7000 on friday and thats the after liking stuff from the previous week. I dont just jump onto any wagon considering that am one unlucky mofo so i have given it a wide bearth…anyone with info to enlighten us on how it works in the meantime consider yourselves warned.
Hezus Christ! Kuna jamaa amenipigia tu sai akiniuliza hii maneno na ati hiyo package ya 14k is now as low as 9.5k. Nmemwambia run niggr run. That’s a sign that sai hawa watu wako almst to call it a day na watavuka na any little amount one is willing to donate.
hii tulichambua lini wakumbwa…
I hear there is even registration fee
Mimi nilinunua hiyo ya 15k at the beginning of June but what I would advise badala ya 4.5k kuzama na sportpesa unaweza risk nao coz am sure they are still around in the next 30days na hapo utakuwa ushabreak-even. Or if you are patient enough you take the free account and wait for three months then you upgrade if at all they will be still in existence.
Mbona usemi JANA?
Iza at the start of june kumbe tuko july.
Link sikuona
If you are good at that multi level shit you can make quick money, since every refferal is also paid, and get out before the shit hits the fan. Actually the best way to eat is to have a lot of refferals
Add being greedy and cutting corners to the list…majority of kenyans who end being conned is a result of being greedy and not looking into a venture properly…
fanyeni kazi mpate pesa. No one will dish out money anyhow to lazy mofos.
Being greedy and being a risk taker is relative, you might be the earliest bird or the earliest worm.
Kweli wakenya hawasikizi maneno. Hivi ndivyo watu watalia kwa choo
Why are people so gullible? How do you comvince yourself you can get anything out of this poorly scripted con game? Hata hiyo gambling ya sijui sportspeza na zingine mimi apana tambua. They are one and the same with going to a bricks and mortar casino. The house never loses.
Mimi I have already broke even, so I have nothing to lose, just eating profits. It was a risky venture though.
Kenyans never learn greedy for fast and free money
Betin nayo nawakamua 2k daily pale livebet.
Hizi vitu be watu wa kwanza kwanza kujoin ndio you break even and make profit before it closes shop
KDF usipeleke hard earned money hapo. No easy money. Utachengwa
Juzi ka.slice giver kaliniambia nimlipie Ati its a nice investment, I told her angoje ntalipa after 60 days. I know the probability is high watakuwa washafunga