Kenya power returns to profitability

After stealing and overcharging its customers and being a monopoly they only managed 1.5billion net profit. Even our fellow shithole uganda’s UMEME power distributor is doing far much better than us.

I have been waiting for tokens since May… talk about a shitty company. On Thursday I went to complain and they told me the tokens are now available but they don’t have the 3 phase cable. Kama kungekua na another option wangeona moto.

Maybe someday we shall all use solar as an alternative. Kplc can then be a secondary option.

Si juzi tu hapa gova iliwapiga jeki.

Financial reports have been massaged to paint an optimistic picture. This is to turn off the focus and heat on KPLC and thus keep away the current scrutiny of the very questionable contracts. We shouldn’t lose focus!

With the kind of progress being made in alternative energy from more efficient solar panels to storage modules, dinosaurs like Kplc will cease to exist in the next 20 years.

Kenyans mko shallow na mtafirwa na awa wanasiasa sababu ya ujinga. KPLC has not returned to profitability. Hakuna kitu yyote imebadilika kwa kplc, wanaezaje kuwa wamereturn to profitability? ii upuzi yote inafanywa ndio mtu asimame mbele yenu Jamhuri day aseme " during my presidency…kenya power returned to profitability…" io sherehe ikiisha mambo inarudi kama zamani

IPPs wanakula billions hapo, tenderprenuers wa transformer na poles wanakulia pia and thieving employees pia. All these at the expense of the economy coz realistically we should be buying power at less than ksh15 per unit.

That is the right direction to go . People need to start thinking out of the box. Like this guy here should probably think of using panels instead of regular mabati.

:smiley: kplc will never be replaced least of all by solar, i work in the power sector so i know how expensive and unreliable solar is. Most likely it will just morph into another entity and maybe sell its infrastructure to private companies which offer better services. You cannot power a country leave alone a city with solar alone and hope to be competitive.

It should actually be less than half that amount. Zile garbage huwa wanaongeza juu ati sijui EPRA charges, fuel charges, inflation adjustment, omena charges, mbuta chieth are just garbage added to inflate the price

Reforms in kplc are starting to bear fruits,thanks to a new board and a CEO led by women,just like in kengen women prove themselves as extremely capable leaders, maybe that’s why kikuyus have colonised kenya:D

Solar panels are not new technology, how comes they have never won this battle???

Mnajua mnaongea hii topic as if imeanza leo. Back in the 80s and early 90s many Kenyans had no stima they relied on solar na battery ya gari.

Why did these Kenyans shift from solar to grid???

Usiniambie sijui efficient batteries. The latest Samsung line of smart phonez hata haziweki charge for 12 hours. Efficient li-ion batteries my foot.

This is what happens when you are invested in an industry. Your thinking becomes binary.
We have countries which are almost entirely being run by wind power na wewe uko hapa ukisema KPLC will never be replaced.

The guys in posta too used to think they were indispensable with with landlines

All humans are lead by women not just akina Mungikis, Germans or the Britons. The minute you put that ring on your finger you are fucked. You have no say in any matter. She owns your ass.

It actually starts from birth.

What was the first thing Eve did? Try to figure out how to dominate Adam.

The first thing she did was to divorce him from God. Break him dominate him. It has been that way from the first minute. Adam lost paradise, immortality, great wealth, happiness all because of Eve.

Even Hitler became Hitler because his mum used to… ama wacha tu.

Cc feminist @TrumanCapote

You wake up in the morning to go work to feed your woman and her by products .

Tulia bana, i think you’re talking about germany. Which btw runs on nuclear from france in the winter and its local coal power plants. Wind and solar are peak power sources they are used to supplement base load power sources kama coal, nuclear and hydro during periods of unfavourable weather. A country of 50 million people can’t run on solar or wind, if you are talking about a small island then maybe, lakini nchi iko na industrial customers hakuna bana.

Kplc itakua forever

For most men, the female dictates the totality of their life.
Maybe a balance can be achieved.

I was on the edge of letting them have it… we seriously need another service provider

I have a theory. Maybe God leans more feminine.

I mean He is a creator. He ‘gave birth’ to humanity. Man’s sole purpose on earth seems to be to protect and provide for woman.

The balance you speak of will remain elusive because it is God who commanded that a man shall leave his parent’s home and go look for a girl.

Even homosexuals cannot avoid the urge to nurture no matter how absurd it is in their case. They try to disrupt the balance but the status quo fights back :
