Kenya Power monopoly to end early next year

Translation…Ruto Power Ltd to compete with KPLC


I hope transmission iwe underground lines

Na vile watu wanachimba all over mitaro za kuweka water pipes, culverts etc. There will be electrocutions and power black outs daily.

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In developed countries all utilities run underground. Water, sewer , fibre power, even :steam_locomotive:

Adani power ltd loading

The ultimate hustle is to insert yourself into the economy.


Very hard and expensive for someone else to setup parallel power lines, transformers, way leave and other KETRACO BS. My guess is monopoly itaisha on the supply side.
Meaning more companies will be allowed to buy power from KENGEN and wanakuja connect to you, supply token meter and you start paying. Like simu or internet. Hata safaricom na airtel wana eza ingia kwa hii game. Then those IPPs watajua watauzia nani their expensive power which they shove down our throats by force. Something good can come out of this. Hii maringo kplc huwa nayo is too much

Konza have already completed this,hadi a garbage disposal system from bins that sucks in garbage that can be separated elsewhere

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Nabii Adani ltd. Tunajua