Kenya Power Losing Relevance


Even cement, steel and other big power consuming companies are going for alternatives to KPLC power, Wanjiku ndio atabaki sole victim of KPLC theft from its customers.

KPLC ni wezi.There was a case where two companies whose daily production is almost the same but one was getting bill ya stima mara mbili ya the other one.I think it was Devki mill

taka taka KPLC monopoly wanaonanga wakiwa miungu

Africa will never develop on clean energy, I don’t know how Kenya gets its electricity but I hope u guys didn’t fall for the West’s bogus clean energy trap.

African Solar power for day factories is a no brainer.

Everything kina rotich touch turns to absolute rubbish. Kumbuka how Moi downed promising parastatals set up by Kenyatta snr

Most of our power is clean - hydro.