Ofisi naona wametutumia mail wakisema next week we shall be on a forced leave.
We have also been asked to have enough food supply,loose cash ,have most of the vital documents in soft copies or in take them to safe storage in a bank ,if you own a car have it well serviced and fueled and keep away from hot spot areas.
Hii stock sasa itakuwa ya how long,I hope no one dies during this election period,and at least people to refrain from chaos and be tolerant to one another.
If any violence is to happen, it’s will happen before election day and not aferwards.
That’s why the main opposition party has been working hard to block the elections from happening, while at the same time raising political temperatures to some dangerous level, hoping for the same.
exactly but when will we grow up from this kind of politics,ati na vote then naenda biashara zangu as usual then wait for the results to start streaming in from my local with my friends.