That’s what happens when women choose to give birth with men who has more money, big car or big house. 90% of the situation is caused by women and 10% by men.
They’re suffering the consequences of their own actions.
Greed is what is undoing them they go for glitters. I have seen marriage last between a man and a woman who met when they had nothing. They both sacrificed for the little their had to raise a family.
Lakini hizi ghaseer kazi ni kufuata sponsors na kuset fake standard. It’s time they humble themselves.
A study of this data is proof that single-parenthood has little to do with modernity. It however shows a correlation between Christianity and single-parenthood. The figures are highest in Christian-dominant countries.
Of course. In Muslim countries women wako disciplined na pia dini imawafunga. Haikosi kuna kunguru pia.
Muslims have strong attachment to their religion. And some how the religion forces them to be submissive in marriage. You can’t compare with the whores in kiuna’s church
That’s the price we get for following a rotten deteriorating US culture. It will reach a time when only 1% of the population will be married.
Advanced Instagram prostitution, flashy cars, expensive hotels is just going to increase. Relationships will just be sugardaddy-sugarbabby, nothing else. Women will no longer take any hard courses completely, and in fact that’s the trend with ‘modern’ countries where there’s gender-equality ironically, far less women take courses in stem unlike in countries where women are ‘under-check’ like China, Muslim and Asian countries which don’t follow US culture
People will opt to not be married to have fun and fuck around because that’s the partying life they were used to.
Currently, people especially the modern women just marry because their parents expects them to, most of their friends are married, and she also doesn’t want to loose a beta male whose begging her in her inbox but otherwise would have much preferred to continue partying
Kenya I the hardest hit. I would advice any Kenyan man who wants something solid aende atafute EAC. I don’t know their short comings but at least marriage huko means something.
Toxic feminism, too much aping of foreign culture, lack of instilled virtues, lack of education from both the society and religious institutions
and finally, greed.
Marriage is never an easy thing, but when done right as our parents did it is a beautiful thing.
What’s the exact figure for “Kenia” ?
Wanawake katika kanisa la kiuna ni makahaba tupu! Fucking hoochie mamas! Malaya tupu!
*Maryam Mirzakhan is a perfect example of women in supposedly oppressive countries doing better at stem courses than those from liberated societies.
Non-catholic christian countries.
You’ve diagnosed the problem correctly. It’s a culture problem and Kenyan culture mostly non-existent and a patchwork of third hand “modernity” sold by Protestant churches, aid organizations and American television. All which emphasize "personal freedom"and look down upon family life and domesticity.
We seem to copy all the negatives of UK and USA quite sad
Hahahaha! ATI Kiuna? Wanamuita Daddy naye Mrs Kiuna ni Mum.