Abduction of foreigners has been happening in Kenya since 2013… Nigerian human rights defenders, Ethiopian politicians, and businesspeople… The works. Hii sio mchezo imeanza juzi.
Seems we are lucky people are now more connected than ever and we get to hear about the abductions, No wonder the security agencies are so aloof about them. Can you imagine the number of cases we never got to hear about. People disappearing never to be heard from again, maybe some are languishing in prison falsely accused.
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Ni kama kasongo alijaribu kuabduct mbaya, ile mbio amekuwa released wueh!!! Hizi ni international phone calls zimepigwo
The Ethiopian politicians and businesspeople were never abductions, neither were the Nigerians. Those are forced deportations.
Some were legit. Like when we deported many Nigerian drug dealers and that Ethiopian idiot.
Others (Again, what is with Ethiopians being duped into shady deals by Kenyans so much because it happened in 2024 too) is where some high or medium ranking Kenyans would basically Ariel Ethiopians who are lied about certain tenders with certain ministries that require some up-front costs and the Ethiopians would eagerly part with the cash. Quite often, the moment it happened, orders from immigration would have the said businessman declared unwanted and put on the nearest Ethiopian Airlines flight.
That is technically not an abduction. The person was scammed ,Yes, but a forced deportation is not an abduction .They would actually go through the deportation process, paperwork and all.
Indeed, the reason why it is so shocking today is because under Uhuru especially, many human rights defenders moved to Nairobi because it was the safest place for them to be on the continent and where Uhuru not being ideological(Like South Africa is), he never entertained the idea of foreigners coming to kidnap anyone on Kenyan Soil. The moment Ruto came to power, the Police are getting small small bribes and even participating in the abductions. It started with the Pakistani murdered by the Pakistani ISI and it has escalated ever since.
Heck we looked like fools when we handed over Turkish dissidents to Erdogan and the Foreign Affairs office admitted it. Why lie, we looked like we had zero self respect.
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Kasongo is a presidential goon