Kenya Is A Sh!thole FAILED Banana Republic Of FOOLS Governed By DENSER FOOLS

From the First Family all the way down to the FAKE blind beggar in the street corner, all are corrupt to core. Then only thing thar can save Sh!thole Kenya is COMPLETE Benevolent DICTATOR that would be willing to execute entire families in public to set an example of how to deal with corruption. FVCK Human RightS, we need a Durterte aangamize Wezi Kenya, from Gatundu to Baringo to Kirinyaga.


You’re right about elimination of some backward elements in our national psyche. Kenya and other African countries are like the adult who missed a crucial stage in their development. We missed an important process of nation building, that is, Civil Wars that consolidate the idea of a nation. All developed countries have gone through this, a process of ethnic and religious homogeneity.

You cannot govern people when you are a fool. Our leaders are not fools, and no one will save you. Mmeinama wenyewe kuchukua sabuni, mnalalamika nini? Hakuna dictator atasaidia nyinyi

that dictator you are asking for will seize those properties unalilia and write them under his name. si ati I am not acknowledging tuko na shida but it all starts with us. kila mahali unaenda you want to bribe your way through. Corruption is engrained in our DNA my friend

…I don’t think Kenya is all that bad. Shida ni ukuwe peasant kama @Ndindu . You will whine the whole day.

Kenya is not a shit hole country as you depict it to be . Millions of illegal and legal immigrants from Europe,Asia and other parts of the world come to Kenya and would never dream of going back to where they came from. To them, Kenya is a slice of heaven. Yes we have problems, yes there’s corruption and yes we can do better but denigrating Kenya will not cut it . Besides shit hole is such an old tired cliche !

@Ndindu is a whining bitch who offers no solutions to our problems

[SIZE=5]To my Chinese brother @Ndindu; Corruption is not a supernatural phenomenon. Corruption exists simply because despots enable it and cowards tolerate it. From disobeying court orders to looting public funds indiscriminately to Nepotism. It begins at the top of the hierarchy (Head of state) and trickles down to the commoners at the bottom,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]However you are a zombie for screaming ‘FVCK KENYA’. Only a delusional kangaroo would utter such a foolish statement.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]If indeed you are disgruntled, join the struggle and REVOLT. Don’t just ropoka like a fool.[/SIZE]

Kenya is a shithole period. Get that inside your thick cranium.

Don’t think so. Cooperative bank CEO was voted the best in Africa. Cooperative bank is well known for long queues in KE. Now imagine a bank in Mali or Chad…won’t mention SA ; you won’t even queue because of the crime and kidnapping there.

Unajua maana ya shithole? Comparing services offered by a private bank is nothing.

Miguna una land jamhuri lini?

@Ndindu tafuta @uwesmake and hold his d!ck as he holds yours and sing a whining duet…very useless human beings who should have been trapped in a condom during coitus and thrown in a new 12ft pit latrine in a village mixed primary school.

What is not shithole was built by sweat of slaves from now what you call shithole.

Why can’t those slaves build their own shithole?

Because that time it was sweat, now its money!

Suck my deek!!

There you go…That’s what you tell @uwesmake …make sure you look him in the eye.



Your sentiment are not lost kama elecson or in a football maaas.

For comperison, kwa muchina if found guilty and sentenced to dealt uta kula one single lead behind your memory head.

Hawananga dealt chamber like united state, Nooooo!!!
If you committed the crime in mombasa never born there and found guilty baas you became human cargo and shipped kwenu ocha ukakule lead huko mchana kweupe.

Osungu miiing ya nini kama jah gombe,Its a society issue mna sorora ya nini???

Genelo mwitu has taught ze gombes new word ’ Despot,Zombie!!

Meanwhile, Pare toronto kuna mtu atujuraa winter round hii atatiya hakiri.

Awaiting breaking news!!!