At 16% at par with France. Kwani what goes on in Sao Tome? Onward folks! We must catch up with Sao Tome and Principe. #dryfrytilldeath
most are christians… actually all of them are christians …
this says alot
Say something on that ‘alot’.
:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW =FREEDOM… hii ndio matokeo ya FEMINISM,I can predict children having both parents jointly taking care of them in the same household will be considered the 8 th wonder of the world by 2035 here in Kenya
When you factor in men raising kids who are no theirs, Kenya’s figures can spike to 40% because those are invisible singo madhas
Kmaaaaan ’
In your book all men are saints ? SMH…
Wachana na beta male. The data includes singo fadhas
FIDA na maendeleo ya wanawake wawatafutie mabwana the way their championed for their rights.
feminism is bad for the world. cheki vile Afghanistan imecheza safe juu wamama wamekaa kwa lane yao jikoni. mbona hakuna data ya Southern Africa
Kule Bidenstan they are forcing young boys to go to school in dresses. Kwa sababu huku vumbistan we just copy by 2050 the same policies zitakua huku. Radical feminism is here and these are the results.
Alah akbar
When women are in power. There is chaos and confusion. I witnessed it yesterday in a burial. The late man’s daughter was the one incharge of the father burial arrangements.
The lady was allover. She wanted everything to revolve around her. Delegation of duties is alien to her. It was a total mess.
The man daughter
Kindly bare with me kisungu sio mdomo changu.:D:D:D
US karibu 25% jameni 1 out of 4 wimenz ni singo mum?
Ni sawa VS, hio description nayo ni kali
isnt religion supposed to be a sort of glue for society… the smallest unit of society is the family unit… go figure
It’s cause Kenya is pretty westernized tbh.
But where will the men be when their sons are forced to wear dresses ?
The truth is in most cases, mnazalisha then mnajitetea alafu mnaingia Karura. Don’t blame one party. I blame both sexes equally.
Huko ni AIDS Sana Sana.