I was following the proceedings at Kabarak on TV and something was said by one of the speakers let me quote him “we have seen leadership qualities in Jonathan Troitich’s children” I have no problem with them possessing leadership qualities but I think our form of government is regional monarchies. When Mutula Kilonzo died the mantle was passed on to his son through an election and the same has been experienced in Otieno Kajwang case to Moses Kajwang, Kijana Wamalwa to Eugene just to mention but a few. Are we worshipers of people in leadership can’t we change the status quo?? I leave that for you to answer I won’t be mistaken to think that a few people have control on who will lead where and when… The scion of the mighty will keep on milking the nation. Sisi watu wa tabaka la chini tuendelee na kulipa deni la china
Watoto wa Jonathan wanataka kiti gani tuwapigie Kura?
It’s a huge mystery, how these thing happens. I remember Hon. Muite been interviewed, in the late 90’s, saying how Jomo Kenyatta Immediate family have been pushed in political abyss, little did he know, come 2002.
Uhuru was to become a Presidential candidate. Leadership has it’s own dynamics. The Moi family will rule again, not necessarily Gideon.
Yaaawwnn… :oops:
Hustler has actually busted this theory by proving you can build your own dynasty from scratch if you badly want it. And it took him less than ten years of “hook and crook” while everyone napped to construct an enviable portfolio that you guys only wish you had. Now all he is working on is figuring out how to ensure he can get a hold of that IEBC machinery and manipulate it to “The Monarchy” in 2022.
Mudavadi,Uhuru, Rao, khaniri, ngala, Lee kinyanjui, Giddy, kilonzo, shariff nassir,Kennedy’s, Bush, Clinton’s, Benazir Bhutto, Nehru, Gandhi’s, Rajiv, kim jong uhn, kabila, ali bongo, khama
The exceptions… kalonzo, Ruto, Sonko Obama, Putin etc
No they will not rule us again, no way. To be noted sina ID so sina kura na sitachukua.
Clint Toroitich will vie for Eldama Ravine Seat in 2022. It was a subtle indicator in several speeches.
People from such families with wealth and networks need to work slightly Less to take power.
You can concentrate fully on politics since your financial side is covered by family investments. Normal politicians try to balance so much but fail.
Most Kenyans also find it easier to accept you as a leader if your parents were in leadership.