Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) project irregularly revised upwards Sh4.1 billion to Sh7.2 billion.

Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir, said the KAA management, then under Ms Mbugua, had allowed the variation first from Sh4,147,677,000 to Sh6,197,968,000 before finally ending up at Sh7,223,666,000 - a difference of Sh3,075,989,000.


Irregular? This is the most regulsr thing in Kenya.

agikuyu at work

Nikujipanga my fren, pata potea!

Kila mara nina hata hii game ya ponyoka na mabili

msimu wa kukula reloaded.ama ni pesa ya campaign inatafutwa?

Very nice.

Boy oh boy…

Another day, another scandal.


Oh my… is that true!