The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) is pleased to announce to the public the recruitment of Servicemen/Women, Tradesmen/Women and Constables scheduled to take place from 19 November 2018 to 19 December 2018 at various centres countrywide. Prospective candidates willing to join KDF must satisfy the set conditions and requirements.
CORRUPTION. Bribery and other acts of corruption are against the law. All persons presenting themselves for recruitment purposes with fake/falsified documents or caught engaging in any corrupt activity are liable to prosecution. If you accept to be conned, you will lose your money or property and go to jail; it has happened to many citizens during past recruitments. Do not waste your money and risk imprisonment; NO ONE can influence the recruitment process. Report any suspicious activities/conmen to the nearest police station or military camp. KDF recruitment is absolutely FREE TO ALL.
The public is further notified that recruitment will ONLY be conducted at the advertised recruitment centres countrywide during daytime from 0800hrs to 1800hrs on weekdays. Successful candidates will be issued with calling letters at the recruitment centres by the Senior Recruiting Officers. Any person purporting to recruit or issue calling letters away from recruitment centres is a con person.