KCB profits

Impressive considering interest rates cap and elections. Lakini I hear people are complaining a lot about kupata fictitious withdrawals. Sasa tungoje Equity.


Seems like the rate caps are not so bad after all

Fees and commissions. What happened to that case the lady took to the courts on unauthorized fees levied by the banks?

KCB Kenya ndio imebeba all the other subsidiaries in the region 97.5% of income is from kenya

South Sudan subsidiary kitambo used to contribute a tidy income but sahii juu ya hyperinflation imekuwa hasara tupu. Hiyo inafaa kuwa fully impaired.

I suspect hizo ni interest income from treasury bills na mobile money loans

what is loss on monetary position?

Mobile money is making them a tidy sum, 5% per month on a platform that targets customers who clearly have the ability to repay in a month is good business.

Pesa wameshika in other currencies ime depreciate Vis a vi the Kenya shilling. South Sudanese Pound, UGX, TZS

Ile kelele ya IMF about rate caps affecting economy negatively ni uwongo mtupu. IMF wishes that Kenya banks make huge losses ndio they use that as a talking point to push for removal of rate cap.
Ndio Kibaki turned to China because of his contempt for IMF

Hapana. That is foreign exchange loss. Loss in monetary position occurs in hyper inflationary economies.

Its an accounting adjustment done to countries that have hyperinflation like South Sudan.In summary KCB South Sudan and all banks in that country will never make a profit again.

People cant access credit, especially the common mwananchi. If banks are still making money as they used to, they will make much more when the caps are done away with.

What happens when KCB South Sudan decides to transact only in USD? Can its license be withdrawn by the S.S government? From where I am standing, that is the only way out.

Where will they get USD from? I laughed when I heard the group MD today say that the bank there is recovering. That bank is dead in SS. and he knows it

55% YoY jump in provision for bad debts explains why auctioneers are getting tons of pages in our dailies.

How much are they paying in dividend?

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