Kazi kubwa ya clinics NI abortion

… There is this like that most clinics are there to help wananchi…

…60% of this funny medical shops in every corner of the street are nothing but crooks doing wat they do best , family planning, contraceptives n of coz kuavya mimba…

…I have done my research, most of this rogue doctors are alcoholics, they are haunted by the babies they slice into pieces disposing the remains at night or flushing them down the drain , hivyo ukiona a young drunk ‘doctor’ ameloose hope na maisha just that ninja is a cold blood murderer …

if you wanna compete with TrumanCapote on who sucks more …you need to get the mother union panties she wears …

So from your theory, a drunk pharmacist ama drunk lab tech ama drunk nurse wote ni cold blooded murderers since they are also involved in caring the patient? Upus meffi wewe

Wewe wacha madaktari wangangane na corona we will revisit them later :smiley:

My friend, doctors, nurses, pharmacist, etc always begin drinking at the university level even before they handle dead bodies. Then they become addicted and continue with it ata pale kazini. Anyway doctors etc are taught to cure and kill

Punguza bangi nanii

Kamau at least wewe hujaribu kupost ,keep it up and don’t mind the haters