Karuraa It Is

Makoti ziendelee kufinya boychild and this will be the result. Feminazis getting their desired freedoms at last

On a lighter note. Does he know KARUA is a single parent who will NOT do anything to deal with this issue

Karua isn’t a single mother but rather she divorced from Mr Njoka her husband later in life.

Buda uliacha kuhurumia waisi na waporaji?

How the funks do you think other single parents come to be?

Why this backward fixation on “Single Mother’s” in here …??

What is so terribly wrong when any woman opts out on an abusive or unworkable union …??

Where is it written ( …unless it is inside your backward Juvenile minds …) that a family with a single mother cannot function normally…??

And on that note, compare life in a dysfunctional family that has a father and a mother …

Shenzi Kabisa , the lot of You … :mad:

you are a stupid homosexual fool

It’s not a crime to be a single parent. But it should be made a criminal offense to have retard thoughts like yours makamasi

I’m certain a good number of talkers were brought up by single mothers…(wengi ni kelele tu).