@Finest wine Kuja ucheke. Lambistic Kifees next live topic will be this guy, he has alot of beef with Rambistic Ruos.
I love Kenyans, they can turn a very tragic situation into a comedy. This is why we need a Luo president at least we will be laughing as we wait indefinitely for the 6k Baba is lying to us about. I know this has made Karen Nyamu smile. Luo to the rescue. :D:D:D
:D:D:D:D:D:DYawa yaaaaawa tho…huyu ninani majameni! amenifurahisha sana. He’s got some points…Karen is depressed…but ati akujie nini kwake???eeeeeeks Mr Kamongo head. Don’t get ahead of yourself mate.
I gorra thing for our Jeng dudes coz of their arrogance na kujiamini lakini huyu amezidi. And he’s 21 did he say? ooooh me ribs. Oh BTW can he sing like Mr seed ama Awicko?
I lurve my tuKenyanitos sana huku YouTube. They are busy posting all kind’a nonsense… hawana time to sit and mourn about joblessness coz they know nobody in Gava cares. Convo between me and teen nephew jana:
Me excitedly…‘oh guess which Kenyan artist is coming to the UK soon and I am so soooooo excited?’…
Nephew: …‘lemmie guess, is it male or female?’ told him to guess.
He said ‘I think it is Samidoh!! coz you and Uncle always listen to him’. Sema kuskia aibu ndogo ndogo…I shook my head and said it is a she…he said ‘must be the lady dancer with a dancing group’.
And yep it is…we are so excited, can’t wait.
Thank you YT for making the world a small village.
Kuja ukaone hapa Dallas kakihubiri neno la Mungu…kikikiki. But all in all he says he is overwhelmed by the love of Kenyans and that he is impressed huku diaspora hatuna ukabila. Ni ukweli mi huonea tribalism here on Ktalk the home of serious tribalists…