Kuna watu hawachezei uterus. Ni kuwaleta wakiwa leta. @Finest wine @Purple what is your opinion on this relationship. Mimi imenishinda.
She seems to have low key enjoyed it.
I tagged you elsewhere ulete maono, there’s a huge thread here. Got no time for MwKs and I told you a long time ago that Karen will be the end of Samidoh when she exposed some tenders they were sealing together and mentioned his kids’ names on air!!!. Karen is a loose canon and Samidoh cannot say he has not been given enough warnings.
Time for the goat wife to pack and leave, and gun for child maintenance is NOW…not kesho…NOW.
BTW…most of my friends think he is adorable so hatakosa…
He looks like a kid to me.
Karen certainly looks way older. I think he is naive and does not know how to handle fame and the clout and responsibility that comes with being the Mugithi Kingpin. Sasa ajue Karen atampeleka mbio mbio mbio. Sisi goat wives husema afathali uniletee a younger stunning woman na sio ng’ombe kama Karen ama Tafitha Delila Kamotho wenye wako na watoto wa wenyewe.
Hands Down …
This woman just loves Di*ck …
When rumors first started emerging of their entanglement, she exposed Samidoh in a very negative light. There is a video somewhere in this village of a video selfie in which She obviously portrayed herself to be the Alpha in the relationship.
I remember some Villagers here and elsewhere lamenting his “kukaliwa”. That must have wounded his pride.
Sasa ona.
Tough to handle such a woman. She’s a loose canon. The man has kids. She exposed his kids and attacks his wife publicly. Why?
His wife , Edith , started the mess by being unfaithful to him …
The is just his payback …:D:D
Toxic relationships kama hizi zikona high chance of ending in death.
Hii kunguru ipigwe iqche kiherehere[ATTACH=full]379264[/ATTACH]
Do you have any proof that Samidoh’s wife cheated on him ama nikuchafua jina as per KT stds?
It’s in the media. From the horse’s mouth himselfu.
Sounds like they were not married then…ama?
No they weren’t married but it was still a romantic relationship in one way or another.
All the same, despite her cheating, I feel that Samidoh will use this as an excuse to do whatever he wants.
His dumb decision to sire children outside marriage with a woman like Karen has severe consequences which he is about to taste. He will part with huge wads of money to silence her, he will pay child support, she will always air/dangle his private life as she wishes since he is tied to her forever…in short Samidoh is the ultimate fool here. Between the devil and the hard rock.
No one should do whatever they want as you put it as long as there are children involved. Samidoh is no exception.
Samidoh anafaa ajiite kamushemanio kidogo, apana chezea waschana wa Kanairo
Mpaka namhurumia saa hii…yaani the way Karen ran to social media that night to tell the world about it all…waaaaaaah…
Kwanza she looks older and more thomed…:mad:.
True. For the next 20 years atakiona