Kaparo Vs Kaparo Getting Nasty....

[SIZE=7]Kaparo trades adultery accusations with wife in a bitter divorce…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Mary cited desertion, cruelty, and adultery as grounds for divorce [/SIZE]

Former National Assembly Speaker Francis Kaparo is embroiled in a bitter divorce with his wife, Mary, after 40 years of marriage over adultery claims.

According to the Daily Nation, Mary who has filed for divorce has accused Kaparo of cohabiting with another woman in a home in Kiambu.


Kaparo trades adultery accusations with wife in a bitter divorce

In divorce papers filed in a Kiambu court, Mary cited desertion, cruelty, and adultery as grounds for divorce.

“I have been severely affected by the respondent’s inhumane treatment, dishonesty and immoral character and eventual desertion of the matrimonial home,” she said.

She said she tried to salvage the marriage until Kaparo recently moved out of the house and started seeing the woman and both have allegedly settled.

“On several occasions, the respondent disappeared from the matrimonial home for a long period of time without explanation at all, and he eventually went away,” she said.

Mary told Kiambu chief magistrate Emily Ominde that one of her reasons for moving to court was to protect her rights to the vast matrimonial property they jointly acquired.

“I have never consented to the respondent marrying another woman… and would never agree to share a husband,” she said, adding that issues of their marriage began in 2017.

But Kaparo denied the allegations of cruelty saying his wife has been adulterous and cruel. o_O

“The respondent (Kaparo) denies the allegations of cruelty and adultery. It is the petitioner who has been guilty of adultery and desertion,” Kaparo said.

“The petitioner has constantly caused physical, emotional, and physiological torture on the respondent in an unprecedented measure of cruelty,” he said.

He explains to the court how he became bedridden for five months and his wife never paid him a visit.

Kaparo who is also the former National Cohesion and Integration Commission chairman claimed his wife is a “constant drunkard and often gets wild when drunk”.

“I have always tried to avoid violent confrontation even to the extent of living the house in the middle of the night,” he said.

[I]texican beast[/I]2 hours ago
Hon. Kaparo sir, is your wife ukuyu. Well if so, no one should be surprised. She is just trying to be a true ukuyu lady.

[=AZX4cVASh_cBIhyUfXJdLnUL50d98ikAAcQDVWRUHcvoczdbuY5ODXAHmrDgLYP26u_SL_b8yfR6j9jPscvRQMUN3u-eT7GtxMLy2NvFTHCo9nhLsV4apu2bsqymLvS7O6lXJJdNrTJA_bAzfkYAfMQLI_Vyy62GKbGYmZ8MgbfzmZrnQuDRg_DLds-r72BGfQA&tn=R]-R’]Ben Otieno]('https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070204429681&comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo0OTY3ODQ5NTEzMjYwMjQyXzQ5NjkyNTg1OTMxMTkzMzQ%3D&__cft__[0)
At Kaparos age what is left of his manhood is very minimal the wife has used him just like he has used her.

anne marie deya4 hours ago
Maasai man leaves his home to go to Kiambu, nothing new, they are nomads. Atwoli is stable because he hasn’t left his home.
Luhyias ndio wanajua polygamy. At 70 plus, that Kiambu woman is only breastfeeding him, nothing more. Then he will die and she will keep the money. Very strategic, just like her fellow Kiambu woman Lilian Nganga.

King Safari4 hours ago
Our elders are becoming childish. Ole kaparo does not need to hide a woman in Kiambu till the first wife finds out.
Ole kaparo should have gone to the girl’s family or parents and asked for marriage.
Ole Kamwaro the former TLB boss, at 70 married a 21-year-old girl and paid the dowry in public.
Ole kaparo is a proud educated Maasai elder, what was the point of hiding.

[=AZX4cVASh_cBIhyUfXJdLnUL50d98ikAAcQDVWRUHcvoczdbuY5ODXAHmrDgLYP26u_SL_b8yfR6j9jPscvRQMUN3u-eT7GtxMLy2NvFTHCo9nhLsV4apu2bsqymLvS7O6lXJJdNrTJA_bAzfkYAfMQLI_Vyy62GKbGYmZ8MgbfzmZrnQuDRg_DLds-r72BGfQA&tn=R]-R’]Abdirizaaq Sheikh]('https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002746721004&comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo0OTY3ODQ5NTEzMjYwMjQyXzQ5Njg3Mzc1Njk4MzgxMDM%3D&__cft__[0)
All Massais should ask to be enjoined in this case as friends of the court. Kaparo has grabbed and sold all the Massai land to cartels
while he was in bed with the deep state!

Cautionary tale. Imagine getting billions, bullying fellow men in parliament and growing to enviable political status. Then you get embarrassed by a bitch.

Maasai ni maasai tu,huyu ni suti ndio tofauti

Why does Mary want DNA testing on adult children if not to embarrass a Moran…? :D:D:D

Francis ole Kaparo has rejected his estranged wife’s request to undergo a DNA test to ascertain the paternity of their children.

The former speaker claimed that his wife was more concerned about the property succession than the children.

“I have never consented to him marrying another woman, and would never agree to share a husband,” Mpereina said.


Responding to his wife’s DNA test application, Kaparo said the paternity test might cause division and more unintended consequences in the family. :confused:

He added that his four children were all grown-ups and responsible for themselves and could not be forced to take a DNA test that does not achieve anything in the best of their interest. The couple’s children include Benard Kaparo, Stella Kaparo, Saidima Kaparo, and Susan Kaparo who are all above thirty years.

According to the court papers, Mpereina accused Kaparo, former chairperson of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC), of cohabiting with the woman she identifies as Korere Paulata in their house in Eden Ville. Mpereina said that her husband has admitted “that he has now married one Hon Korere Paulata” and previously acknowledged “having affairs with women unknown to me”.

In the divorce papers filed in a Kiambu court, Mpereina cited desertion, cruelty, and adultery as grounds for divorce.

Mpereina said that their marriage hit rock bottom and cannot be salvaged, adding they were married in 1981 under Samburu/Maasai customs and, after that, held a Catholic church wedding. The lady said their marriage problems started in 2017. She tried to salvage it until Kaparo moved out of the house and started seeing another woman in Kiambu, where both have reportedly settled. Mpereina told Kiambu chief magistrate Emily Ominde that one of her reasons for moving to court was to protect her rights to the vast matrimonial property the couple acquired jointly.

Kaparo alilipwa pesa na Raila aende kutusi Ruto kwa mkutano ya wamaasai. Angeachana na Ruto ashughlikr na boma yake maneno ingekuwa sambamba, akule ujeuri yake. Mzee wa miaka lakini busara hana

Why would she ask for kids’ DNA? Isnt she putting herself at risk if it turns out that none of the kids are kaparo’s.? Dumb

Kwani Ruto ni Mungu ATI hawezi kutusiwa?

wengi wamejaribu na sasa ivi wanajuta.

Damn, life has eaten this dude… :D:D:D:D


Lawyer Paul Muite has urged divorcing parents not to involve their children in the court proceedings.
Muite noted irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is sufficient ground for its dissolution without disclosing intimate sexual life.

Muite noted it was unfortunate that some parties in such proceedings would expose their children and even grandchildren to the trauma of their parents’ sexual life.
“Couples in divorce proceedings should spare their children/grandchildren the devastating emotional trauma of public disclosure of intimate details of their sexual lives and infidelities. Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is sufficient ground for its dissolution,” he observed.

Reacting to Muite’s remarks, colleague law scholar Makau Mutua suggested perhaps it was about time the judges impose limits on what details are divulged publicly to avoid collateral damage.

“I’ve never understood why people who were once so loving and intimate can be so reckless and vindictive.
Scorched earth tactics in divorce proceedings hurt the progeny the most,”
he argued.

The comments came at a time when the former National Assembly speaker Francis Ole Kaparo is embroiled in a bitter divorce with his wife Mary Mpereina after 40 years of marriage over adultery allegations. The wife demanded to undergo a DNA test to ascertain the paternity of their children. Responding to his wife’s DNA test application, Kaparo said the paternity test might cause division and more unintended consequences in the family.

He added that his four children were all grown-ups and responsible for themselves and could not be forced to take a DNA test that does not achieve anything in the best of their interest. The couple’s children include Benard Kaparo, Stella Kaparo, Saidima Kaparo and Susan Kaparo who are all above thirty years. The former speaker claimed that his wife was more concerned about the succession than the children, who he said she wants to drag into their matrimonial dispute.

Anon Reply:
Former National Assembly Speaker Francis Ole Kaparo and his wife Mary Kaparo have been married for 40 years. They have four children, the youngest aged 30. So Mary wakes up a few years ago and finds out that Mzee has a nyumba ndogo somewhere in Kiambu. She files for divorce. But you know hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. In the middle of their squabbles, Mary tells Mzee, “You think you’re a man? Umepata bibi mwengine, sivyo? If you do, enda fanya paternity test kwa hawa watoto wetu wanne unadhani ni wako.”

Now Kaparo has gone to court to block anyone from conducting paternity tests on his four adult children. He fears what is on the other side of that door. Mzee doesn’t want to wake up and realize that the four kids he’s worked his entire life for are not his. Lakini wanawake can do you dirty in this town!
You break such news 40 years into a marriage?
Sasa hapa where do you start from?
Some women can provoke!! Eeeish!!

What is happening to our society? Back in the day divorce was rare