Kanye West was Right- Slavery is a choice!

At first, I didn’t understand Kanye’s point of view when he said that ‘slavery is a choice’. At first, I thought he must have gone crazy or something. But after listening to the song ‘Ye vs. The People’ I understood what he meant by saying ‘slavery is a choice’. What he really meant is that for black people to move on, they have to forgive the white people and reconcile. Why? Because black people have a lot of hatred for white people which makes black people ‘mental slaves’. Most black people today are programmed by the media and the Democratic party on who to hate and they just follow the script. That is why Kanye tweeted that he loves Trump to advocate for free-thinking and not that whole vibe that just because you’re black, you should hate Trump because the media and Democrats told you so.

The same thing is happening in our country right now. Most Kenyans are programmed to hate a certain tribe which if you think about it, that is ‘mental slavery’. There is no free-thinking or individuality. Even our parents tell us not to marry from a certain tribe if we want to have peace in our homes. Eventually, it gets into our heads and we carry the same thought-process to our children and our children do the same thing to their children. That is mental slavery. Our politicians program us which tribes to hate and everything is well after a ‘handshake’. Are we brainwashed like that? That we cannot have free-thinking or individuality? Are we mental slaves?

Like you are too. Did you need Kanye to say what he said and then you adapt his perspective? Other people are being fed by the media, politicians etc, you are being fed by Kanye. Don’t you have free-thinking or individuality?

Yes, I’m guilty of making choices based on popular opinion. But at least now I know before it is too late, lest I get older and find myself living with a wife I don’t love just because we’re from the same tribe. Or I find myself hating a whole tribe just because of stereotyping. Humans generally can’t have 100 percent individuality in decision-making but we can aspire to think as individuals first before we follow the masses.

Wewe na Kanye ni ngombe tuuuuuuu


Where is that mental slavery when a black man gets fatally shot just coz he/she’s black? And the system cannot protect; and anyway is not meant to help black man…

you should watch this documentary.


I think you need better role models than celebrities bro.

Screw them Americans, black or white let them kill each other and hate each other its not my problem

I agree with West’s sediments about AAs and slavery, especially when he poses, “…for four hundred years?!” However, I have difficulties understanding your interpretation… This is my interpretation anyway: AAs simply gave WAs the licence to enslave them for so long. The whiteman tried to enslave Red Indians, but the red man would have none of that nonsense!

But umesahau the most crime ridden areas of the USA are majority black population … It’s like Somali’s saying wanaonewa na the system when it comes to terrorism yet 90% of terrorists and terror networks originate from their populations .

Either way, black americans are idiots .

His logic makes sense but I guess the way he delivered it is the issue.
And you know how many folks here in Kenya or even right here on Ktalk hate to be told the bare truth.

So, the new formula for proving freedom from mental slavery is to love Trump?

I get your point

@introvert please iharakishe ije pande hii chap chap!

It is not mental slavery, zebras hate lions for obvious reasons. White people are manipulative and greedy, which is why you should never entertain their white filth.

Mental slavery is far more worse than physical slavery because the chains are invisible and are transmitted across generations. If African slavery was only physical, our people would have within one generation been able to skip the myriad social-economic issues which plague African people globally the second the chains came off. This manipulation has been through mainstream media, religion, and education. So the opinions about reality are sourced from the very same people that said Africa was teeming with savages. That’s why Kanye has been vilified by the media and his ‘own’ people as his opinion doesn’t fit the narrative that they are being fed everyday. Thou I agree also that showing Trump love and being a MAGA disciple doesn’t exactly entail shaking off the mental shackles.

We’re living an alternative reality where they’re trying to convince us that good is bad, up is down and right is wrong.
Something crazy happens to all men who date and marry into the Kardashians.

Your example does not support your argument, but clearly confirms what i have said about the american system, its not meant to protect the blacks. Yes, majority black inhabited areas are crime ridden, but since when did blacks protest when a black criminal was shot and killed? Most of the protests have been caused by innocents killed, and police get away with it. But just like your mentality, if a few blacks are criminals, then all are criminals, and on slight provocation, police deserve to shoot them dead.
Maybe 90% (another on-the-spot survey) of somalis are terrorists, i don’t know, but do you see them being killed or shunned by the society? Does that mean we know better than whites that you don’t assume?
And finally, you say all black americans are idiots, do some research and you will find out alot of them are really smart college and university graduates…

Kanye is not my role model. I don’t even have role models that I aspire to be like.

Shida ya blacks sio polisi it’s lack of father figures ! I know they startd from a big disadvanteg but they seem to be stuck on the slavery past and blaming the white man for all their woes. They should be like the jew afew years ago they had no country now they run the US and now the oppressors .

Most black people have a victim mentality. In this essence, victim mentality is the thought process where black people are expecting to be wronged, abused or handed out injustice in the worst way possible. Eventually, it becomes a vicious cycle. Yes, racisms still exist but black people in the U.S are blaming almost all of their problems on white people.