Kanono Karibu Kakufe Kakitolewa Mafuta Kwa Roho


Na kaende kashenzi .kwanza nani hukashonea hizo ma trouser

Hehe…utapata bei ya hizo trao si mchezo.

In N Korea, Kim could die but they’ll come up with the shaddiest BS to try and hide it, until they can no longer hide it.

hako kadedi… niggas need freedom

Atalaunch nuclear tipped ICBM halafu aidetonate mid-air above South Korea, halafu hio shockwave icause electricity blackout just to show he is still alive.

There is no heir because Kim is impotent and has not given birth to a son. Furthermore Kim killed his brother a few years back. If he dies the generals will fight for power just like they did when Julius Caesar died.

Sitaki akufe. Naskia kulia. Yaani America is winning this game? I can’t believe this.