Tombwa Camera Man
Tombwa Camera Man
How many times are you going to post this video?
Ithe wa ciru niekuthinja ngombe ya mundu
Why is he screaming like a bladi woman
Ametombewa bibi. He’s a beta male. Just like your father, great father and your family lineage @Tom Bayeye
Not today son,chokosh war haikam thru. Good observation there though
Sounds like one of those Testosterone deficit teachers in high school. Ati lala chini… you have refused to cooperate, WTF ?
Ameskia uchungu, hivyo ndivyo ntakulia poyoloko bibi
Ukipata ndume kwako. Don’t bother with the ndume, deal with the wife. And if you are man enough just tell them to leave. Sasa huyu ata mtoto anasema akalale hajui kama ni wake! So you beat the guy alafu? Ama you beat up the guy alafu ukakoroge kenye amemwaga? Peacefully waende then go pick a whore for the night utoe stress
And you know the jamaa didnt break in , alifunguliwa mlango , amepewa chai , bj apo kwa kiti na shot ya kwanza apo tu kwa kiti ,so actually ume pata anarelax kuchapa second round , so umuliza huyo jamaa nini . unampea Bibi , u bless them , unamaliza story , fullsop