kangogo arrested in wajir

Unconfirmed reports indicate caroline kangogo was arrested in wajir on her way out of the country to neighbouring somalia


Nimefika hapo

Fake news,

Turedio unasumbua

Ktalk si mharo news. Bring accurate news only.

Arushwo Siberia

Haraka sana

Ngoja @uwesmake afike akute umedanganyana ati huyo madam ameshikwa. Akiwa yeye wakifuatana na bibi yake mnono @kush yule mnono seen here below in blue jeans , ndio utajua Muchatha ni kwa mang’aa!


fake nyews achia SQNY

Kongole mujamaa, atleast leo hujapost mbisha ya wanaume. You are moving in the right direction, soon utafika.


Mwarabou stork amekua spokesperson wa dhulma kwa wanawake lately. Kuna vyenye alijaribu kuvukisha hio gun totting female?

Si omwami huwa amekaliwa na hii @pipinono ?