Kamama Kameanikwa


That househelp ameamuwa kuharubia the boss jina.

Hawa wachichana wa kazi pia huwa hawana akili, watu washienzi sana. Mi huwaskia wakiongea wakifua nguo hapa plot 10 nahurumia zile ghaseer zitawaoa.

Huyo mboch anachukua story anaongeza aromat mkebe mzima :smiley:

:D:D:D wewe huelewi. Her employer has been caught monkey branching. She’s trying to gaslight the mboch into misremembering what she saw with her two eyes. Ndio maana amemrecord. That’s why she called sonko. The conniving employer confused her mind and recorded her. Alafu akahongana polisi wamueke ndani. She’s playing to the gallery for the benefit of her husband.

But the mboch is sure of what she saw.

This is a messy affair. The house girl should have minded her own business.

The fellow should stay away and avoid being sucked into this quagmire.


Kunguru aliolewa na mubaba kama second wife but she’s still giving slices to her real boyfriend. Hataki kuzalia mubaba. She wants to confuse him and eat his money.

Mubaba akitoka kwenda kwa first wife. Kunguru hutokanisha naye anarudi 5AM ile time mubaba hukuja breakfast akienda job.

Sasa hii ni ujinga gani huyu mkamba mushienzi anapost? Ati huyu alikuwa gafana.

Rhoda anataka kuhesabiwa. Mambochiste wamekuwa smart. Kama kuna mtu anakumbuka ile kisanga ya 3yrs ago pale citizen TV about mboch anaclaim alifungiwa ndani ya keja for 4 yrs akichapwa,well,inamnyambia as we speak.

[SIZE=7]sonko is just trying to stay relevant… [/SIZE]

Mboch huchukua tabia za mwajiri wake. Hako kamama sio holy pia.

Sonko knows the kind of stories that excite bonobos

From a governor to a gossiper, how nice

Hapana. Just from the dynamics it’s very clear she’s using overt threats to tell the maid to “lie” or she’d get the wrath. She actually tells her at some point , I hope unaweza zima Hio moto … in essence negotiating with her to retract her word in lieu of the threats being withdrawn. But the maid seems to be stoic … not confrontational but holding Steady

Sonko aende Radio Jambo apewe Job na Gidi na ghost, apunguze umama takataka yeye