Kama huyu aliacha Ulanye hakuna dame haezi acha

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I can confidently confirm hajawacha.
She still do it vehind the scenes.


Kunguru ni kunguru @Sanchez11

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@Sanchez ukona umama Sana. Post zako zote ni upus tupu za kufunga leso


Kwa wengine, ulanye ni part time gig apate pesa ya kuanzisha boutique ama apate permanent job.
Kuna lanye najua alitoka SJ sahii Yuko Kwa shop sarit centre, mwingine Ako ruiru bypass anuza Mali Mali Kwa shop yake.


kuna kengine alikuwa Sophia joy anaitwa Tabitha

sweet petite

aliwacha akafungua shop ya viatu

but ni single mum of two


Kuna mwingine wa Kisumu alijenga ghorofa mbili residential na kuanzisha flower farm huko Naivasha. Ni single mum wa watoto watatu


Huko Nairobi, huko Mombasa, huko inatumika na wasee WA jaba


Iv noted uko obsessed na uyu lanye. Lanye wa Trm. Na lanye wa fedha.

They all have a thing in common which is they have horrible attitudes. And recently wote wana overcharge.

A lanye is free to charge whatever she likes bruv. Na someguys will pay… hekaya lanye hunichapia ni vile walilipwa na dollars or pesa most kama 20k

Na kama ulipokea dose ya madharau u should move on amd heal. Lanye ni wengi huezi kula wote about 100 new ones join the market everyday huezi keep track

Anyway nice ass. But through pass zako ni retiress / rude/ overchargers. Na this year sikubali madharau na sipitishi mbudget currently nimespend under 10k think like 6/7 chikitas very proud of myself

Shida sasa ni bundles nimetumia equally under 10k bundles/ Subscription to vitu kama netflix, showmax, airtime banar


Regular customers Bado wanalipa 150

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So in your wisdom waliwacha kuuza Kuma?

Dude, are you writing a composition?


Alijengewa …i dont think ulanye inaeza pea mwanamke such capital…to begin with hana akili ya investments kama hizo thats why her first option was ulanye


My thoughts pia…kuuza shots haiwezi Jenga storey buildings aisee


This is a new episode of “Keeping up with Bianca”. More will come.


Kuna mwingine alitengeneza rentals, a Kikuyu woman. Huwa anasema hii kitu ndio imehenga ile nyumba. “Na wasichana wanalia hakuna kazi”.


Kuna wale tu huangukia mujamaa wanatoanisha sawa sawa

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This i agree…kuangukia fala flani hapo nje…in short huyo jamaa anamjengea in the hope of kufuga yeye. I know a former waitress who is now a multimillionaire employing hundreds…she exports her manufactured goods all over East and Central Africa, thanks to her late dim eye sponsor who invested heavily in her.


Huyo ni mama ya @Gaines :joy::joy:. Gaines mwenyewe hu-pointia mattercore anasema Ati “hii kitu ndo imenunua izi pilsner.”

Saa izo harufu ya shonde all over the place.


Dudes Why you people obsessed with 150 bob lanyes .
Get to know a few of them from same club. I have several who never charge me beforehand because they know I’ll give them at least a K. Or more when I’ve made bank.There is usually no hurry , I can spend the night , I can take an hour, sonetimes I get a bJ with no fuck. Anything I want. Plus we booze, They take Tuskers too.
One SJ lanye always wanted to get banged in the shower . She later opened a massage brothel in her house in Umoja.
I been to at least three SJ lanyes homes, where the reason was I don’t have to pay lodging She gets the lodging cash instead.
Lanyes are good but you should never listen to their sob stories.
An SJ lanye who has an mpesa plus shop in Huruma used to tell me she earns 3k a day from “twende chot” but if she had 50K she would quit. Got married to some guy, bore him a child and still goes to SJ. She called me over to house only to realize she was heavily pregnant several years ago then.
Another ex SJ lanye sort of loves me She only had a big kid whos in high school. I would go to her place in Kayole and spend over.Sometines fir two days boozing and screwing.
Most of my lanye friends call me when they are really stranded, sending them 100 bob or 200 once in a while means you get a good fuck when you meet next.
Point is when you treat a lanye like a woman but firm. On finances, she starts making love to you like your wife used to during courtship