Kalenjin Politicians

Am i the only one who finds kalenjins in politics, occupying very senior positions very narrow minded and shallow.
No offense intended. Just and observation from Moi days through to Kibaki and right now in Ururuto govt

these people arent bad but they resist exposure mbaya sana. kunao wengi tuliingia nao campus na walitoka wakiwa vile walikuja except for the class work.

:D:D I too find a good chunk shallow minded

si walisema ni mvua inaleta msitu.

doesn’t it?


I had one caled Korir. This boy would make us burst with laughter when he was asking a woman if he can mount her . One time I heard him telling one girl from meru who happened to be close friend of mine " Hii fitu kati Kati ya mkuu(mguu) yako nitakonka lini?" I couldn’t help burst in laughter and at the same time I was embarassed. He ended up kugonga hizo vitu. His methodology when it comes to civilization was a kind of its own.

Their kind of thinking and logic is aptly portrayed by Mandago.
This is a fairly welk educated governor but when you hear him talk, you are at a loss whether to laugh or get angry.


not the other way round…

The same can be said of your leaders in government and opposition. They behave like villagers in the city.

Stray bullets:D:D aim your target not shadow boxing.

I literally cry when he opens his oral opening.

An elected MP claiming that the shenanigans at the IEBC are due to the spirit of Musando haunting them.
Can it get more stupid than that?

hahahaha 100% true. Not only in govt/opposition but generally Kaleos have very shallow thought process. Unapata jamaa amesoma lakini hakuna tofauti yake na yule kwa kijiji.

eeh? hii imetoka wapi?

they are the reason we have slow progress in major govts projects and decision making coz they occupy these critical positions in the country.

hii ni kuongea mbaya takataka

hahaha boiyo kulingana na comments za hapo juu inakaa ipo shida mahali…

Heheh leo umewakamatia chini… truth be told, Africans have a long way to go. You do a stupid thing you blame it on spirits and on Sunday you are bellowing songs of praises to God. We tend to be more verbose than action oriented and when we act its for our own bellies. Politicians in Kenya are the silly in a very sad way