Kale kamzee kajinga ka kule k-rist

Kanakulanga mchele boiro na overcooked cabbages. Hii ndio style yake favourite:

are you abusing yourself? mentally that’s the exact picture I have of you

Maliza hiyo chifu

@kush yule mnono also posted something that bore a very striking resemblance to this huko klist but his were polished :D:D

@gashwin unaitwa hapa

Malisa hio headmaster


Nikipata nitakanyonga na mikono tupu kama kuku!

Absurd. You dont kick a man when he is down.

Na wewe ni mumama are you sure you will do what you just wrote?

Hehe … kazi ya kuchinja kuku wamama hufanya vpoa sana

Wadau mjifunze kuvaa cargo pants na hiking shoes … we in freaking Africa for fuksakes. Kaa ni jeans nunua Levi’s angalao …

MI napenda sweatpants weekend @johntez addi gaza msafi akijaribu kunyemelea iPhone 13 yangu ni round kick on the spot

unataka watu waende bank kuchungia wanaume pesa na safariboot na jeans?

Hio jeans lazima iwe savco

You are not alone. We need to sort these issues once and for all. It seems like some youngins over here have fathers who abandoned them over there. As elders we can always mediate if you are willing and ready to go through the process.
Thank you.

You must be a homosexual to be obsessed with a man

Lakini khocha si ata wewe huwa obsessed na @Douchebag

Maliza hio ghaseer priss